Health Home Services for Medicaid Enrolled Children with Medically Complex Conditions
Authors Catalyst Center
Date 2023
Keywords CYSHCN, Financing, Medicaid/CHIP
Children with medically complex conditions (CMC) rely on a variety of services both in and outside of the health care system. Comprehensive care planning, assuring access, and coordinating these services for CMC is critical for their well-being. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) created a state plan option for Health Homes through Section 1945A of the Social Security Act which was established by the Advancing Care for Exceptional (ACE) Kids Act of 2019.
Section 1945A establishes a state plan option for Health Homes specifically for CMC. State implementation of this option became available on October 1, 2022. This policy explainer describes the details of the 1945A state plan option and current CMS guidance to interested state agencies, including state Title V and Medicaid programs.