Wednesday, March 15, 2023

Wednesday, March 22, 2023
12:00 – 1:00 PM
Virtual (Zoom)
A Hybrid Event Presented by
The Center for Health and Social Care Integration & Rush Social Work Grand Rounds
Featuring BUSSW Dean and CISWH Director, Jorge Delva and LaCinda Jones, senior social worker at the Department of Veteran Affairs
View the Recording
Prof. Jorge Delva and LaCinda Jones, senior social worker with the Department of Veterans Affairs, will examine the role social workers play in health and health equity in a webinar celebrating Social Work Month. Delva, who serves as director of the Center for Innovation in Social Work & Health (CISWH) and dean of BU School of Social Work (BUSSW), and Ms. Jones will discuss how social workers have valuable expertise in improving health care and patient wellbeing, but are not often included in important conversations to advance health equity. The presenters will also share ways we can raise stakeholder awareness about the importance of social work roles in health.
The webinar is hosted by Rush Social Work Grand Rounds and the Center for Health and Social Care Integration and will highlight national initiatives to expand social work’s impact in healthcare.