Monday, December 11, 2017
Wednesday, December 20, 2017 5:30 – 7:00 p.m. ET
Boston University CAS Building 725 Commonwealth Ave Room B12 (Basement)
This event will highlight four organizations’ work with immigrants and refugees, with a particular focus on how they integrate social work and public health approaches and use trans-disciplinary approaches.
Saida Abdi, LICSW (BUSSW ’10)
Associate Director of Community Relations, Boston Children’s Hospital Refugee Trauma and Resilience Center
Kathleen Flinton, LICSW
Associate Clinical Director, Boston Center for Refugee Health and Human Rights at Boston Medical Center
Eric Kamba, MSW, MPH (BUSSW ’04; BUSPH ’05)
Executive Director, Congolese Development Center
Program Administrator, Mass. General Hospital Refugee Health
Mojdeh Rohani, LICSW (BUSSW ’99)
Executive Director, Community Legal Services and Counseling Center
Luz López, PhD, MSW, MPH
Clinical Professor, BUSSW
*2 free continuing education credits (CEs) for social workers available
The event is jointly sponsored by the Center for Innovation in Social Work and Health and the BU-ALPS (Advancing Leadership in Public Health Social Work) HRSA grant.