Friday, August 07, 2020

Projects from the Center for Innovation in Social Work & Health that focus on HIV, Community Health Workers, housing, and employment will be featured at the 2020 National Ryan White Conference on HIV Care & Treatment, which will be held online from Tuesday, August 11 through August 14. View the full schedule for details.
Sessions related to the Improving Access to Care Using CHWs project
15045 301: Integrating Community Health Workers in HIV Care: Lessons Learned From a National Implementation Project
8/12/2020, 12:45pm to 2:15pm
Speakers: Allyson Baughman, Project Director, Linda Sprague-Martinez, Project PI, Lourdes Yapjoco, CHW Supervisor, Southern Nevada Health District, and Keanu Medina-Rascon, Community Health Worker (CHW), Southern Nevada Health District
This presentation will help participants:
- Identify strategies to facilitate CHW integration.
- Plan strategies for working with provider teams around role clarification and the benefits of having a CHW on the team.
- Develop a CHW supervision plan.
- Identify organizational (and community structures) to support CHW integration.
The presentation will showcase the experiences of a RWHAP agency in Las Vegas, NV, that implemented a CHW program.
16006 Addressing Structural Barriers to Care Through the Implementation of a Community Health Worker Program
8/13/20, 10:00am-10:50pm
Speakers: Allyson Baughman, Project Director, Melissa Davoust, and Hill Wolfe
In this session participants will learn about:
- The characteristics of CHW program models and participants
- The changes in unmet needs of CHW program participants
- The relationship between unmet needs, CHW/participant encounters, and clinical outcomes
16070 Resource Round-up: Effective Care Engagement Interventions
8/14/20, 12:45pm to 2:15pm
This presentation will describe the resources from multiple HRSA funded initiatives, including the 2016-2019 initiative, Improving Access to Care: Using CHWs to Improve Linkage and Retention in HIV Care.
Sessions related to the HIV, Housing & Employment Project
Download the list of sessions.