Examines and articulates “mechanisms of promotora effectiveness” in a successful multidisciplinary intervention intended to reduce obesity among Latino children.
Rural Collaborative Model for Diabetes Prevention and Management: A Case Study
Describes a rural community health worker-led education and diabetes management intervention. Different roles, including health coaching for diabetes management, and peer education, were filled by CHWs. Highlights the innovative components of this case.
Design and Implementation of a Community Health Worker HIV Treatment and Prevention Intervention in an HIV Hot Spot Fishing Community in Rakai, Uganda
Describes the implementation of an HIV treatment and prevention program based in an HIV hot spot fishing community in Uganda. Community residents employed motivational interviewing techniques as well as mobile phone based counseling strategies to encourage treatment adherence.
State Community Health Worker Models
A map summarizing state-by-state community health worker models including information on financing, education, certification, and state CHW legislation.
Community Health Workers Toolkit
A toolkit from the Rural Health Information Hub. Details community health worker models, offers information on various training approaches, describes implementation and sustainability, and offers tools for measuring impact.
Integrating Community Health Workers into Complex Care Teams: Key Considerations
A technical assistance brief from the Center for Healthcare Strategies, Inc. outlining key concepts in integrating community health workers into complex care teams, including intentional hiring, clear training, opportunities for career advancement, full integration into team, and support of CHW staff.
An Action Guide on Community Health Workers: Guidance for Organizations Working with CHWs
A policy guide for organizations hiring community health workers meant to accompany the report “Community Health Workers: A review of program evolution, evidence on effectiveness and value, and status of workforce development in New England.” Draws on evidence-based best practices to offer guidance on training and certification, educating payers, funding, and recruitment.
Community Health Workers: A Review of Program Evolution, Evidence on Effectiveness and Value, and Status of Workforce Development in New England
An evidence review and policy analysis from the Institute for Clinical and Economic Review. Addresses the impact of community health worker interventions on health outcomes in New England, the cost of CHW programs, and outlines best practices for CHW program implementation.
Community Health Workers: Action Guide of Insurers
A policy guide for insurers meant to accompany the report “Community Health Workers: A review of program evolution, evidence on effectiveness and value, and status of workforce development in New England.” Outlines best practices when contracting with providers as well as reimbursement models for CHW services.
Extension for Community Healthcare Outcomes (ECHO): A New Model for Community Health Worker Training and Support
An article from the Journal of Public Health Policy describing a community health worker training and mentoring program. The program draws on the Extension for Community Healthcare Outcomes model, and offers case-based learning and support to CHWs. The training programs focus specifically on addictions and obesity.