A qualitative study from Community Mental Health Journal examining opportunities for CHWs to improve rural women’s access to mental health care. While rural women are more likely to struggle with depression, treatment options are limited. The authors interviewed CHWs to determine options for connecting women with services in rural areas.
A Pilot Study of Trabajadora de Salud, a Lay Health Worker Intervention for Latinas/os with Traumatic Brain Injuries and their Caregivers
A pilot study from the Disability and Health Journal assessing a lay health worker intervention as a means of improving outcomes for Latinas/os with traumatic brain injuries. Lay health workers visited patients’ homes, with the intention of offering empathy for symptoms, improving communication with providers, and setting goals. Outcomes including caregiver burden, mental health status, somatic symptoms, employment, and others were measured.
Navigation Delivery Models and Roles of Navigators in Primary Care: A Scoping Literature Review
A literature review examining community health worker models in the context of primary care. To be included in this analysis, studies were required to address social services beyond health system services. The review illuminates the value in addressing social determinants of health through community health worker interventions.
Approaches and Strategies Used in the Training and Supervision of Health Extension Workers (HEWs) Delivering Integrated Community Case Management (ICCM) of Childhood Illness in Ethiopia: A Qualitative Rapid Appraisal
A study describing the development of a national community health worker program in Ethiopia intended to improve infant and child health outcomes. Describes training and supervision procedures for community health workers and health extension workers.
Promotoras and the Semantic Gap Between Latino Community Health Researchers and Latino Communities
A study to understand Latino community members’ perceptions of the role of promotoras. Results reveal that community members understand promotoras to be workers who are paid and who distribute information.
Integrating Community Health Workers into State and Local Chronic Disease Prevention Efforts
A brief describing the evidence for use of CHWs in prevention efforts and outlining financing options for CHW programs. Draws on program development in Washington state.
Community Health Worker Programs: A Review of Recent Literature
A paper published by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). Presents a review of published literature on CHW programs, primarily focusing on maternal and newborn child health, for the purposes of identifying key components of successful CHW programs, reviewing past successes and failures of implementing CHW programs, and summarizing lessons learned.
Effectiveness of a Community Health Worker Intervention Among African American and Latino Adults with Type 2 Diabetes: A Randomized Controlled Trial
Study to measure effectiveness of community health workers working with participant with diabetes, with attention to culturally appropriate health care delivery.
The Effectiveness of a Community Health Worker Outreach Program on Healthcare Utilization of West Baltimore City Medicaid Patients with Diabetes, With or Without Hypertension
An article from Ethnicity and Disease. Assesses impact of CHW on healthcare utilization of African-America Medicaid patients with diabetes with and without hypertension in Maryland.
Community Health Workers as Interventionists in the Prevention and Control of Heart Disease and Stroke
An article from the American Journal of Preventive Medicine. Explores the concept of using CHW as interventionists on healthcare teams and in community-based research to enhance the quality of care and eliminate heart disease and stroke disparities in the U.S.