The Catalyst Center hosted a 5-part webinar series to provide an overview of our newly released Medicaid/CHIP Tutorial, Public Insurance Programs and Children with Special Health Care Needs: A Tutorial on the Basics of Medicaid and the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP). This first webinar explains how and why the tutorial was developed, gives examples of Title V and Medicaid/CHIP Partnerships, and what’s covered in the tutorial.
Webinar: Understanding the Basics–Medicaid & CHIP and Building Partnerships among Stakeholders
Learn how different systems define children with special health care needs, the basics of Medicaid and CHIP, and different kinds of partnerships between Title V and Medicaid/CHIP.
Webinar: Medicaid and CHIP: Funding, Service Delivery, and Quality
This is the fourth webinar in a five-webinar series about the Catalyst Center’s latest technical assistance tool Public Insurance Programs and Children with Special Health Care Needs: A Tutorial on the Basics of Medicaid and the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP).
What Changes Can I Expect From the ACA?
This webinar is an opportunity to learn about some of the provisions of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) that were designed to protect both eligibility and covered services for the 35.9% of children with special health care needs (CSHCN) who rely on Medicaid or CHIP (NS-CSHCN 2009/10 ). Participants will also learn about building partnerships amongst Medicaid, CHIP, Title V, patients, families, and other stakeholders to identify improvement projects in their state to better serve all children, including CSHCN.
New England Children with Genetic Disorders and Health Reform: Information and Recommendations for State Policymakers
On Sept. 2, 2014, Meg Comeau, in her capacity as chair of the Health Care Access and Financing Work Group, New England Genetics Collaborative (NEGC), presented the information described in a new policy brief titled New England Children with Genetic Disorders & Health Care Reform: Information and Recommendations for State Policymakers. The webinar and policy brief outline gaps in insurance coverage and benefits experienced by children with genetic disorders and their families, based in part on the results of an online survey of families of children with genetic disorders living in the six New England states. The policy brief and webinar include recommendations for stakeholders under the ACA and beyond.
The Family Opportunity Act’s Medicaid Buy-in Option: What We’ve Learned
This slide deck, presented during a topical conference call the by the Catalyst Center, explains the benefits of the Family Opportunity Act (FOA) and the different ways states can implement this important state option for extending Medicaid to children with disabilities. It also highlights the differences between the FOA, waivers, and TEFRA/Katie Beckett.
Medicaid and CHIP: A Tutorial on Coverage for Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs (CYSHCN)
This tutorial gives a broad overview of Medicaid and CHIP, the many different populations these programs serve, the changes they are undergoing under health reform, and some details to help readers think about opportunities to improve access to coverage for CYSHCN through communication and collaboration with Medicaid and CHIP staff. The tutorial starts in section 1 with an overview of how definitions of CYSHCN may vary by agency or program. This is followed by eleven additional sections that address major topic areas and recommendations for steps Title V programs can take to build successful partnerships with public insurance programs.
Health Care Reform and the Massachusetts CommonHealth Program: An Important Foundation to Build on for Children with Disabilities
This Catalyst Center policy brief describes the impact of the CommonHealth program and its relevance to the Massachusetts health care reform experience.
Children with Special Health Care Needs Enrolled in Medi-Cal and the California Health Benefits Exchange
Legislative Policy Briefing
Frequently Asked Questions about the Family Opportunity Act’s Medicaid Buy-In Option
This Catalyst Center policy brief provides answers to frequently asked questions about the Family Opportunity Act (FOA) Medicaid Buy-in option, including what the advantages are for families raising children with disabilities and states, how it affects existing pathways to Medicaid, and any costs for families.