A Multi-Site Community Randomized Trial of Community Health Workers to Provide Counseling and Support for Patients Newly Entering HIV Care in Rural Ethiopia: Study Design and Baseline Implementation

A randomized controlled trial evaluating the impact of a community health worker intervention in Ethiopia. Participants were newly diagnosed patients with HIV, who were assigned a community health worker to help ensure continuity of care and prevent treatment disctontinuation. Describes challenges faced in implementation, and adaptations necessary in a low-resource setting.

A Pilot Study of Trabajadora de Salud, a Lay Health Worker Intervention for Latinas/os with Traumatic Brain Injuries and their Caregivers

A pilot study from the Disability and Health Journal assessing a lay health worker intervention as a means of improving outcomes for Latinas/os with traumatic brain injuries. Lay health workers visited patients’ homes, with the intention of offering empathy for symptoms, improving communication with providers, and setting goals. Outcomes including caregiver burden, mental health status, somatic symptoms, employment, and others were measured.