An article from the American Journal of Public Health. Discusses the challenges for conducting research to determine the effectiveness of CHW programs and for translating research into practice because of the variability of the role of the CHW. Recommends a better understanding of the core elements of effective CHW programs.
Policy Evidence Assessment Report: Community Health Worker Policy Components
An assessment report by the CDC that is intended to inform about the strengths and limitations of evidence bases for individual components of chronic disease policy interventions. This particular report examines 14 CHW policy components, some of which are elements of successful CHW programs, so as to direct policy development.
Achieving the Triple Aim: Success with Community Health Workers
A report published by the Massachusetts Department of Public Health. Highlights a number of ways healthcare providers and payer organizations can benefit from integrating CHWs into their teams to improve quality outcomes while reducing costs.
Community Health Worker National Workforce Study
A study by the Health Resources and Services Administration. Describes a comprehensive national study of the CHW workforce and of the factors that have affected its utilization and development.
Community Health Workers: Social Justice and Policy Advocates for Community Health and Well-Being
An article from the American Journal of Public Health. Explores the role of CHW as social justice and policy advocates because of their focus on reducing racial and ethnic health disparities in underserved communities, and because of their potential to influence advocates and policymakers.
Support for Community Health Workers to Increase Health Access and to Reduce Health Inequities
This policy statement by the American Public Health Association is an update to an earlier statement (2001). Articulates challenges to CHW workforce development, incorporates lessons learned in the years since the original statement, and confirms many of the 2001 statement recommendations
Community Health Workers: A Front Line for Primary Care?
An issue brief from the National Health Policy Forum. Examines CHW roles and duties, how CHW are trained, ways to incorporate CHW into mainstream health care, and the challenges to developing the CHW profession further.
Community Health Workers – A Local Solution to a Global Problem
An article from the New England Journal of Medicine. Explores the role of CHW and their contribution to improved health outcomes, reduced health care costs, and job creation.
Affordable Care Act Opportunities for Community Health Workers – How Medicaid Preventive Services, Medicaid Health Homes, and State Innovation Models are Including Community Health Workers
A report by Harvard Law School, Center for Health Law & Policy Innovation. Overview of the three ways the Affordable Care Act has enhanced the role and opportunities for CHW in the U.S. healthcare system. As a result of these opportunities, states are choosing to implement CHW to: (1) provide increased Medicaid preventative health services, (2) create Medicaid “Health Homes” for beneficiaries living with chronic illness, and (3) improve health outcomes and quality of care while slowing growth in health costs through increased funding for State Innovation Models.
Community Health Worker Credentialing – State Approaches
A report by Harvard Law School, Center for Health Law & Policy Innovation. Exploration of approaches states have taken to support and regulate CHW.