This study describes responses to community health worker integration into primary health care in Tanzania and explores opportunities for improved effectiveness of CHW programs.
Keys to Successful Community Health Worker Supervision
An article from the American Journal of Health Education. Identifies seven keys to successful CHW supervision, and explains how using them will improve and support the abilities of CHW.
Strategies to Improve the Integration of Community Health Workers Into Health Care Teams: “A Little Fish in a Big Pond”
An article from the peer-reviewed journal, Preventing Chronic Disease, Public Health Research, Practice, and Policy. Investigates the opportunities and challenges of integrating CHW into health care systems, from the perspective of the CHW community.
Developing Community Health Worker Diabetes Training
A journal article from Health Education Research (Oxford Journals). Provides a summary of the design, implementation, and evaluation of a 48-hour training program for CHW working in diabetes care teams in community health centers.
Community Health Workers: Part of the Solution
An article from the peer-reviewed journal, Health Affairs. Follows how Massachusetts and Minnesota have initiated comprehensive policies to foster increased use of CHW and (in MN) to make their services reimbursable under Medicaid. Recommendations include further development of the CHW workforce, crafting of appropriate CHW regulations and credentials, and finding ways to reimburse CHW services.
Strategies for Supporting Expanded Roles for Non-Clinicians on Primary Care Teams
A report from the National Academy for State Health Policy. Outlines strategies for, and provides examples of, Medicaid financing of non-clinician services in fee-for-service, managed care, medical home or health home, and accountable care organization settings. Describes different training curricula and methods to help non-clinicians develop new skills as part of a care team and describes the accompanying workflow redesign required for teams to function effectively. Suggests strategies for training non-clinicians to improve practice efficiency, manage patients’ specific health conditions, and work effectively in a patient-centered medical home.
Understanding Scope and Competencies: A Contemporary Look at the U.S. Community Health Worker Field, Progress Report of the CHW Core Consensus (C3) Project: Building National Consensus on CHW Core Roles, Skills, and Qualities
A report of findings from the C3 Project. Examines how CHW roles (scope of practice) and competencies (skills and qualities) have evolved over time, and provides a contemporary look at CHW core roles in the U.S. and the competencies needed to fulfill those roles.
Gateway Community Health Center, Inc., Diabetes Self Management Project, Promotor(a) Policy and Procedures
A guide reviewing the role, responsibilities, and standing orders of promotora in the Gateway Community Health Center’s Diabetes Self Management Project. Includes job descriptions, essential policies and procedures, competency and skills checklist, performance evaluation form, and procedures for documentation and medical records handling.
Increasing Community Health Worker Productivity and Effectiveness: a Review of the Influence of the Work Environment
Discusses general themes related to work environment that affect the productivity of CHWs. The article makes recommendations for working conditions for CHWs as more countries utilize CHWs programs in the healthcare system.
Predictors and a Framework for Fostering Community Advocacy as a Community Health Worker Core Function to Eliminate Health Disparities
An article from the American Journal of Public Health. Documents the findings of a national survey investigating CHW involvement in community-level advocacy and proposes a data-informed framework to conceptualize, support, and measure that advocacy.