Un curriculo para educar a los promotores sobre las consecuencias del estrés tóxico para la salud, y prepararlos para abordar el tema de la salud mental con pacientes. Disponible en inglés y español
Conjunto de instrumentos para el diabetes y los ojos sanos
Un conjunto de instrumentos del National Eye Institute para ayudar a promotores de salud proporcionar educación sobre el cuidado de los ojos para personas con diabetes. El conjunto incluye materiales educativos para los promotores, un rotafolio, un folleto sobre los ojos sanos, información sobre la elegibilidad para beneficios de cuidado ocular de Medicare, y más. Disponible en inglés y español
Health Education Materials
Toolkits from the Community Health Worker Health Disparities Initiative offering population-specific education about heart health.
Community-Based Hearing Screening for Young Children Using an mHealth Service-Delivery Model
Evaluates a hearing screening program implemented by community health workers. Young children were screened for hearing loss using a smartphone app, then referred by CHWs as needed.
Abstract available on Taylor and Francis website. (You may need to purchase the full text article.)
Community Health Workers Improve Disease Control and Medication Adherence among Patients with Diabetes and/or Hypertension in Chiapas, Mexico: An Observational Stepped-Wedge Study
The authors of this study sought to determine whether a community health worker intervention might improve disease control and adherence among individuals living with diabetes or hypertension. The CHW intervention was associated with a significant increase in disease management and adherence.
A Community Framework for Addressing Social Determinants of Oral Health for Low-Income Populations
Technical brief from the Center for Health Care Strategies, Inc. Identifies the steps in developing an intervention to address the social determinants of oral health in a community, and offers a case study of a Parent Promotoras model implemented in New Jersey to improve oral health.
CASITA: A Controlled Pilot Study of Community-Based Family Coaching to Stimulate Early Child Development in Lima, Peru
Children aged 6-24 months at risk of neurodevelopmental delay were enrolled with their caregivers in a 12-week parenting support intervention plus nutritional support. This community health worker-led intervention was found to improve the children’s communication, motor, and social skills in the study.
ANDALE Pittsburgh: Results of a Promotora-Led, Home-Based Intervention to Promote a Healthy Weight in Latino Preschool Children
This pilot study assessing a promotora-led intervention to reduce obesity in Latino preschool children. In spite of higher rates of obesity among this population, there are few specifically tailored interventions available. Though limited in scope, the authors suggest that such a model may be effective in reducing BMI, increasing fruit and vegetable consumption, and decreasing screen time.
Motivation and Satisfaction Among Community Health Workers Administering Rapid Diagnostic Tests for Malaria in Western Kenya
A qualitative study drawing on interviews with community health workers trained to administer rapid diagnostic tests for malaria. Assesses job motivation and satisfaction to help inform strategies for CHW retention and determine the feasibility of scaling up the program. While CHWs overall had high satisfaction, they identified lack of community awareness of their role as a barrier.
Community Health Worker Support for Disadvantaged Patients With Multiple Chronic Diseases: A Randomized Clinical Trial
An article from the American Journal of Public Health. Presents findings from a study examining a community health worker intervention among low-income individuals with multiple chronic illnesses. Findings measure impact on chronic illness metrics as well as self-reported mental health and emergency room visits.