A compilation of CDC resources for community health workers from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Provides access to resources related to specific diseases, including asthma, cancer, diabetes and others. Intended for use by CHWs as well as those supervising CHWs.
Randomized Controlled Trial of a Community Health Worker Self-Management Support Intervention Among Low-Income Adults with Diabetes in Seattle, Washington, 2010-2014
A study assessing the impact of a community health worker intervention to improve diabetes outcomes. Measured the efficacy of a home-based intervention for a group of adults referred from 3 safety-net providers in Seattle, Washington.
Extension for Community Healthcare Outcomes (ECHO): A New Model for Community Health Worker Training and Support
An article from the Journal of Public Health Policy describing a community health worker training and mentoring program. The program draws on the Extension for Community Healthcare Outcomes model, and offers case-based learning and support to CHWs. The training programs focus specifically on addictions and obesity.
A Community Health Worker Intervention to Improve Blood Pressure Among Filipino Americans with Hypertension: A Randomized Controlled Trial
An article from Preventive Medicine Reports assessing the efficacy of a community health worker intervention to improve hypertension among Filipino Americans. The study employed community-based participatory research methods, and evaluated blood pressure and appointment keeping among participants.
Outcomes at 18 Months from a Community Health Worker and Peer Leader Diabetes Self-Management Program for Latino Adults
An article assessing a peer-led diabetes intervention. Participants either received monthly calls from a CHW, or monthly calls plus weekly peer-led meetings. HBA1c, diabetes distress, depressive symptoms, and other indicators were measured.
Diabetes Training for Community Health Workers on an American Indian Reservation
An article describing a training course in diabetes management for community health workers on an American Indian reservation. Assesses satisfaction of CHWs with the training, as well as patient health outcomes associated with CHW intervention.
Internet-Based Cognitive Behavioral Therapy with Community Health Worker Support for Adults with Social Anxiety
A doctoral dissertation assessing the acceptability and feasibility of an internet-based cognitive-behavioral therapy intervention with support from a peer coach. Describes research findings and provides background on lay health workers in the context of mental health.
“I am Not Telling. The Mobile is Telling”: Factors Influencing the Outcomes of a Community Health Worker mHealth Intervention in India
A study describing the program developers’ rationale in designing a community health worker-led intervention to improve maternal outcomes in India utilizing mobile health tools. Articulates contextual factors impacting implementation and evaluates program efficacy.
Mental Health Interventions with Community Health Workers in the United States: A Systematic Review
A literature review from the Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved. Examines studies of community health worker interventions addressing mental health. Offers recommendations for strengthening the evidence base for such interventions as well as potential outcomes of future CHW-lead mental health interventions.
The Effectiveness of Treatment for Severe Acute Malnutrition (SAM) Delivered by Community Health Workers Compared to a Traditional Facility Based Model
This study compares the treatment of severe acute malnutrition by community health workers with treatment received at local health facilities. The findings suggest that CHWs are able to effectively treat SAM.