Panelists from the 10 CMC CoIIN state teams reflect on their learnings from their quality improvement projects in an interactive panel conversation.
Family Engagement in Pediatric Medical Home serving Children with Medical Complexity (CMC)
This poster discusses a primary care medical home’s efforts to improve family engagement, family well being, child quality of life, and a shared plan of care in CMC. The CoIIN family survey was administered by the clinic’s Family Work Group, led by our Family Liaison. This survey established a baseline for these metrics. The poster was originally presented at the AMCHP 2020 Conference.
Primary Care Provider Participation in Hospital Rounds for Children with Medical Complexity Using Telemedicine
The poster discusses a unique intervention between a primary care medical home and inpatient hospitalist team to utilize telemedicine to coordinate care for CMC. This collaboration resulted in reduced readmission rates, though no change in length of stay. This poster was presented at the 2019 AMCHP Conference.
Patient Touchpoints Graphic
These graphics visually depict a patient’s contacts with different services within the health system.
Team Texas CMC CoIIN Virtual Meeting ConverSketch
This graphic recording summarizes conversation from Team Texas’ virtual site visit.
Team Texas Journey Map
This graphic recording summarizes Team Texas’ accomplishments and lessons learned.
A Collaborative Model of Care between Primary Care and Inpatient Management Team
This presentation describes a unique relationship between the Children’s Comprehensive Care medical home and Dell Children’s Medical Center inpatient team to care for CMC. Originally presented at the Pediatric Academic Societies Meeting.
The Parent Perspective Presentation
Presentation about the nonprofit agency Texas Parent to Parent and its services to multiple service coordinators in Texas that work at Managed Care Organizations across the state.
An Innovative Care Coordination Delegation Model to Strengthen the Medical Home and Improve Outcomes
This slide deck describes the unique delegation arrangement that Children’s Comprehensive Care shares with BCBS STAR Kids (Managed Care Organization) to deliver service assessment and service coordination by the RN case manager at the medical home. The delegation funds non-billable case management services and integrates the assessment and service coordination within the medical home. Originally presented at the Pediatric Academic Societies Meeting.
Texas HHSC approved Summary of Service Coordination
Children’s Comprehensive Care (CCC) summarizes the responsibilities of both the medical home (CCC) and the MCO (Managed Care Organization) for the delegation of service coordination tasks. Prior to the MCO committing to reimbursing the medical home for service coordination tasks, they wanted HHSC to approve the arrangement.