Community Health Workers: A Review of Program Evolution, Evidence on Effectiveness and Value, and Status of Workforce Development in New England

A draft report by the Institute for Clinical and Economic Review. Evidence review and policy analysis in support of the New England Comparative Effectiveness Public Advisory Council. Goals of the review include 1) documentation of the evolution of CHW programs in New England and nationally, 2) summary of evidence on CHW program impact on health outcomes and costs, and identification of program components that led to success, 3) examination of potential budgetary impact of implementing CHW programs, and 4) listing of best practices in CHW implementation.

Policy Evidence Assessment Report: Community Health Worker Policy Components

An assessment report by the CDC that is intended to inform about the strengths and limitations of evidence bases for individual components of chronic disease policy interventions. This particular report examines 14 CHW policy components, some of which are elements of successful CHW programs, so as to direct policy development.

Community Health Worker National Workforce Study

A study by the Health Resources and Services Administration. Describes a comprehensive national study of the CHW workforce and of the factors that have affected its utilization and development.

Affordable Care Act Opportunities for Community Health Workers – How Medicaid Preventive Services, Medicaid Health Homes, and State Innovation Models are Including Community Health Workers

A report by Harvard Law School, Center for Health Law & Policy Innovation. Overview of the three ways the Affordable Care Act has enhanced the role and opportunities for CHW in the U.S. healthcare system. As a result of these opportunities, states are choosing to implement CHW to: (1) provide increased Medicaid preventative health services, (2) create Medicaid “Health Homes” for beneficiaries living with chronic illness, and (3) improve health outcomes and quality of care while slowing growth in health costs through increased funding for State Innovation Models.