Panelists from the 10 CMC CoIIN state teams reflect on their learnings from their quality improvement projects in an interactive panel conversation.
Catastrophic Rupture: A Memoir of Healing
Catastrophic Rupture: A Memoir of Healing was written by K. Jane Lee, MD, a member of Team Wisconsin. As a pediatric critical care physician and an ethicist, Lee was accustomed to caring for children with a range of serious conditions and disabilities, and felt comfortable helping families navigate decision-making for these children. When a complicated delivery left her second child with a severe brain injury, she found that everything she had learned about disability and personhood as a physician and ethicist was no help as a parent.
This book allows the reader to walk alongside the author as she struggles to bond with and love her daughter, as she reconciles what is happening at home with her ongoing role as a physician to patients and families in similar circumstances, and as she shifts from the medical perspective of disability as an impaired body to the mother’s perspective that sees the beauty and value in the person that is her child.
Team Wisconsin Journey Map
This graphic recording shows Team Wisconsin’s journey in collaborating with their partner organizations.
Team Wisconsin Future Dreams ConverSketch
This graphic recording presents Team Wisconsin’s goals and ideas for future directions.
Goal Cards
Team Wisconsin created goal cards as a tool to spark ideas for families when they are asked about goals.
Creating a Shared Plan of Care
These instructions from Team Wisconsin outline their process for creating a SPoC in their EMR system.
Shared Plan of Care EPIC Template
This is the template Team Wisconsin uses in their EMR system.
Shared Plan of Care Summary
This template can be used to summarize the SPoC for the family and identify follow-up actions for each member of the care team.
Hopes and Dreams, Family Vision Statements, and Actionable Goals
This document for families describes the differences among hopes and dreams, family vision statements, and actionable goals, and describes where each fit in the shared plan of care.
Deciding Together Guide
This resource for families describes the steps of the Deciding Together process. The second page answers common questions about Deciding Together and prepares families for using the framework with the care team.