
MCH Learning Lab Equips Title V Professionals to Address National Performance Measure on Inadequate Insurance

Thursday, June 02, 2016

CAHPP Director presents strategies to decrease uninsurance and underinsurance among children On May 23, Sara Bachman, Director of the Center for Advancing Health Policy and Practice, Boston University School of Public Health and Principal Investigator, Catalyst Center, participated in an online learning lab for Title V professionals. The fourth in a series hosted by the Maternal and Child Health Bureau, Health Resources and Service Administration (HRSA), U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, the evidence-based strategy measure learning lab tapped experts to discuss strategies to address three national performance measures: NPM 13 (oral health), NPM 14 (smoking) and NPM 15 (adequate insurance). Bachman presented Catalyst Center research relevant to NPM 15, which addresses the percent of children age 0-17 who are adequately insured. Based on Catalyst Center research on 13 states and 2 territories that identified NPM 15 as part of their plan, Bachman highlighted similarities in areas of focus and outlined strategies to decrease the percentage of children without insurance and without adequate insurance. Access the recorded webinar on the HRSA website. The complete slideset can also be downloaded from the recording. Bachman’s presentation runs from 53-1:07 minutes.

“In terms of health policy, what works for kids with special health care needs works for all kids.”

– Sara Bachman
Director, CAHPP, Boston University School of Public Health and Principal Investigator, Catalyst Center