Leveraging Title V Partnerships to Advance National Performance Measure # 15: Adequate Health Insurance
Authors Dworetzky, B.
Date 2017
Keywords CYSHCN, Financing, Maternal and Child Health, Oral Health Care
The Maternal and Child Health Bureau (MCHB) encourages state Title V programs to partner with families, consumer groups, and others to advance their chosen National Performance Measures (NPMs). As the MCHB-funded national center for health insurance and financing of care, the Catalyst Center researches and disseminates state-level financing strategies aimed at improving health insurance coverage for children and youth with special health care needs (CYSHCN). Our work aligns with NPM #15: “Adequate Insurance Coverage: percent of children ages 0 through 17 who are adequately insured.” This policy brief describes Title V, family leader organization, and Medicaid partnerships that can help states make progress on improving access to adequate insurance for CYSHCN.