Resources produced by our team include hundreds of papers, peer-reviewed articles, manuals, and other products on a range of topics related to health and social needs services and supports.

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239 Results Found

Ryan White 2016 Conference Presentation: Understanding and Addressing Stigma to Promote Engagement in HIV Care

Authors Rajabiun, S. , Maskay, M., AIDS Arms Inc., McKeithan, L., CommWell Health

Date 2016

Project Med-HEART

Keywords HIV/AIDS, Homelessness, Medical Home

As part of the initiative Building a Medical Home for Multiply Diagnosed HIV Homeless Populations, staff conducted a substudy on stigma. The goals of the study are to 1) understand and describe how stigma is manifested in individual’s experience 2) develop approaches and coping skills for clients who experience stigma and 3) create a medical home to reduce stigma and enhance access and quality of care. The team presented preliminary results at the Ryan White 2016 conference.

Ryan White 2016 Conference Presentation: Everybody Loves a Good Story

Authors Fox, J., Chisolm, N., AIDS Arms, Inc., Tryon, J., Asian & Pacific Islander Wellness Center.

Date 2016

Project Med-HEART

Keywords HIV/AIDS, Homelessness, Medical Home

Using digital media to capture & share patient stories–As part of the initiative Building a Medical Home for Multiply Diagnosed HIV Homeless Populations, staff from nine HIV provider sites created digital stories demonstrating their clients’ experiences working with the initiative. In this presentation, staff from CAHPP and two demonstration sites shared lessons learned when creating these stories.

Ryan White 2016 Conference Homeless Institute

Authors Staff from CAHPP, Boston Health Care for the Homeless, and HIV provider sites nationwide

Date 2016

Project Med-HEART

Keywords HIV/AIDS, Homelessness, Medical Home

The CAHPP staff, together with partner Boston Health Care for the Homeless Program and HIV provider demonstration sites nationwide, presented the work of the initiative Building a Medical Home for Multiply Diagnosed HIV Homeless Populations. The team presented an institute consisting of three 90-minute workshops at the 2016 Ryan White HIV/AIDS Conference.

Digital Story: Los Pares Cambian Las Vidas – Peers Change Lives

Authors Staff and client from PR CoNCRA, Ablavsky, E.,

Date 2014

Project MAI SPNS

Keywords HIV/AIDS

This video tells the story of one peer and one client who worked together to build a healing relationship to improve the client’s well-being and adherence to HIV treatment. In their own words, the peer and client relate how the client was restored to care and regained hope for the future. (In Spanish with English subtitles)

Webinar Series on Care Coordination for Children with Complex Health Care Needs


Date 2016

Project LPFCH Care Coordination Project

Keywords CYSHCN

Sponsored by the Lucile Packard Foundation for Children’s Health (LPFCH) and the Catalyst Center, this webinar series focuses on coordinating care for children with “social complexity,” i.e., those with chronic or complex medical conditions complicated by psychosocial issues and family problems such as poverty, poor parental health, substance abuse, domestic violence, and homelessness. This webinar is a continuation of the work that began with the LPFCH’s national symposium, “Designing Systems That Work for Children with Complex Health Care Needs” (see the archived webcast and Symposium Proceedings).

Webinar: Addressing Health Coverage Inequities among CSHCN in Your State

Authors Wilson, K., Dworetzky, B., Morisse, B., Johnson, J., Wrightsman-Birch, S., Jegede, B., Barnett, L.

Date 2016

Project Catalyst Center

Keywords CYSHCN, Health Equity, Maternal and Child Health

An hour-long webinar held on June 20, 2016 to “get acquainted” with the tutorial, Health Care Coverage and Financing for Children with Special Health Care Needs: A Tutorial to Address Inequities. MCH staff from Alaska and Michigan share strategies they use to work towards health equity for CSHCN in their states.
View detailed webinar description

Expanding Access & Improving Retention in HIV Care: The SPECTRuM Project Implementation Manual

Authors Multiple authors from the Massachusetts Department of Public Health, Bureau of Infectious Disease and Laboratory Sciences; Boston University School of Public Health; Justice Resource Institute; Health Innovations; Boston Medical Center; Brockton Neighborhood Health Center; Greater New Bedford Community Health Center; Holyoke Health Center; Morton Hospital; UMass Memorial Medical Center

Date 2016

Project SPECTRuM Project

Keywords HIV/AIDS

Although current medical treatments have improved health outcomes for people living with HIV infection, for some, engagement and retention in health care and adherence to antiretroviral treatment is a challenge. In 2011, the Massachusetts Department of Public Health, Bureau of Infectious Disease and Laboratory Sciences, undertook the ‘Strategic Peer-Enhanced Care and Retention Model’ or SPECTRuM project. The project utilizes a multidisciplinary team approach including peers, nurses, and other clinical providers to enhance prompt linkage to care, intensively support retention in care, and improve adherence to prescribed treatments. This manual describes the service approaches and lessons learned from the initiative, and includes many of the assessment tools and direct care resources used throughout the project. Examples of successful interventions are provided in a variety of settings, from large, urban hospitals, to neighborhood-based community health centers. The interventions described are suitable for medical organizations, within and outside of Massachusetts. These approaches can be applied to work with diverse patient populations, including newly diagnosed individuals, hard-to-reach clients with multiple comorbidities, immigrant and refugee populations, individuals recently released from correctional facilities, persons with lower health literacy, and those with limited experience navigating the health care system.

Componentes Esenciales para la Capacitación y Éxito de los Trabajadores Pares (Peers)

Authors Varios autores de American Red Cross, BU SPH, Center for Health Training, Columbia University, Harlem Hospital, JRI, Kansas City Free Health Clinic, WORLD

Date 2010

Project PEER Center

Keywords HIV/AIDS

English Curriculum.
Una herramienta para capacitar pares/peers con VIH para involucrar a las personas viviendo con VIH o SIDA a entrar o seguir con su cuidado médico

Propósito de esta Herramienta:
Apoyar la capacitación de pares/peers viviendo con el VIH para involucrar y retener personas viviendo con el VIH en cuidado médico.

: Capacitadores con experiencia y organizaciones de capacitación que pueden usar esta herramienta para crear, mejorar, o refinar su capacitación de pares/peers.

Otros Usos: Supervisores de pares o directores de programas pueden utilizar esta herramienta para planificar una capacitación de pares/peers recientemente contratados o para proveer educación continua a pares/peers que ya están trabajando.
English: Building Blocks to Peer Success

Esta herramienta está dividida en categorías generales para facilitar el acceso a una gran cantidad de información presentada. Los módulos individuales están organizados para poderlos facilitar individualmente e incluyen instrucciones detalladas como el tiempo, materiales, y preparación necesaria para cada modulo.

Un Caleidoscopio de Cuidado y Servicios: Respondiendo a los retos del VIH y uso de drogas

Authors Tobias, C., Brown, K., Rajabiun, S. , Tierney, K., Yancey, R., Mackie, T., and other authors

Date 2004

Project Kaleidoscope of Care

Keywords Behavioral health, HIV/AIDS

English version. Un currículo de adiestramiento interdisciplinario desarrollado para aumentar el conocimiento y la conciencia de la relación entre la infección del VIH y el uso de drogas. El currículo de
adiestramiento está diseñado para los proveedores médicos del VIH y de tratamiento de uso de
drogas, con la meta de que aumenten la capacidad de proveer cuidado a los usuarios de drogas
infectados con el VIH.

Fact Sheet: Health Care Reform: What’s in it for Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs?

Authors Comeau, M.

Date 2010

Project Catalyst Center

Keywords Health Reform

The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010 (ACA) contains provisions that are designed to improve major gaps in the health care coverage, financing and delivery system that prevent children and youth with special health care needs (CYSHCN) from accessing health care services or which impose significant financial hardship on their families.  The law is designed to increase coverage, improve benefits and provide important new insurance protections for all Americans. Many of the law’s provisions will impact children, including CYSHCN, and all will be implemented over time. This fact sheet offers a concise description of some of the provisions under ACA that directly impact CYSHCN and offers some thoughts about the role of State Title V MCH and CYSHCN programs in realizing their promise.