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239 Results Found

Integrating Peers into HIV Care and Treatment

Authors Rajabiun, S. , Colson, P., Neville, S., Eddens, S.

Date 2010

Project PEER Center

Keywords HIV/AIDS, Supportive Services

Peers living with HIV/AIDS play an essential role in engaging HIV-positive individuals in care and treatment. The unique nature of that role brings with it special considerations when integrating peers as part of the health care team. This Webcast helps participants learn to identify peer roles and responsibilities, develop training and supervision systems, and monitor and evaluate peer contributions to HIV services.

Care Integration for Children with Special Health Needs: Improving Outcomes and Managing Costs. National Governor’s Association Center for Best Practices

Authors Comeau, M. , Antonelli, A.

Date 2012

Project Catalyst Center

Keywords CYSHCN, Financing, Health Reform

Catalyst Center presentation from a July 12, 2012 Webinar conducted by the National Governors Association Center for Best Practices. The webinar covered innovative strategies to improve the delivery and payment of health care services to children with special health needs.

HIV Resistance: The Intersection between Treatment and Prevention

Authors Rajabiun, S. , Fizek, L., Patterson, B., Ruiz, J.

Date 2010

Project PEER Center

Keywords HIV/AIDS

This webcast provides an overview of HIV drug resistance, its role in transmitting resistant HIV virus, and what clients and peers need to know about it. The webcast will also include an overview of the role of HIV biomedical interventions in reducing risk of HIV transmission.

Webinar: Medicaid and CHIP: Funding, Service Delivery, and Quality

Authors Bachman, S.S. , Comeau, M. , Rogers, G., Dworetzky, B.A.

Date 2012

Project Catalyst Center

Keywords CYSHCN, Financing, Medicaid/CHIP, Supportive Services

This is the fourth webinar in a five-webinar series about the Catalyst Center’s latest technical assistance tool Public Insurance Programs and Children with Special Health Care Needs: A Tutorial on the Basics of Medicaid and the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP).

Continuing Education for Peers: Disclosure

Authors Rajabiun, S. , Tobias, C., Neville, S., Downes, A., Miles, L., Riley, J.

Date 2010

Project PEER Center

Keywords HIV/AIDS, Supportive Services

This webcast is the first of a two-part continuing education series for HIV positive peers and their supervisors. The Webcast includes speakers with extensive experience in training and supervising peers to work with clients around disclosure.

Evaluating peer services in HIV care and treatment

Authors Rajabiun, S. , Franks, J., Loscher-Hudson, B.

Date 2010

Project PEER Center

Keywords HIV/AIDS, Supportive Services

Evaluators working in clinics and community-based organizations will discuss strategies and tools for monitoring, evaluating, and disseminating information about peer programs. The webcast included speakers from three programs: PEER Center, Boston University School of Public Health, Boston; MAPACT Project, Columbia University in New York City, NY; Missouri AIDS Alliance, Kansas City Free Health Clinic in Kansas City, MO

What Changes Can I Expect From the ACA?

Authors Tobias, C., Comeau, M. , Ewig, B., Dworetzky, B.A.

Date 2012

Project Catalyst Center

Keywords CYSHCN, Financing, Medicaid/CHIP

This webinar is an opportunity to learn about some of the provisions of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) that were designed to protect both eligibility and covered services for the 35.9% of children with special health care needs (CSHCN) who rely on Medicaid or CHIP (NS-CSHCN 2009/10 ). Participants will also learn about building partnerships amongst Medicaid, CHIP, Title V, patients, families, and other stakeholders to identify improvement projects in their state to better serve all children, including CSHCN.

Supervising peers who support clients in HIV care and treatment (Part 1)

Authors Fizek, L., Downes, A., Miles, L.

Date 2009

Project PEER Center

Keywords HIV/AIDS, Supportive Services

This webcast is the first of a two-part seminar. It is designed as an introduction to approaches for supervising peers. It will describe three distinct areas of supervision which together can help peers to thrive in the workplace. It will include case examples consisting of issues that are common for peers working in the field of supporting clients: boundaries, confidentiality and integrating peers into the health care team.

Recruiting, Hiring and Supporting Peers

Authors Rajabiun, S. , Slovacek, S., Brosnan, E., Riordan, M., Turner, D.

Date 2009

Project PEER Center

Keywords HIV/AIDS, Supportive Services

This Webcast will help participants learn to identify strategies for recruiting and hiring peers including what qualifications to look for, how to conduct interviews, how to orient and train peers prior to working with clients, and how to introduce and retain peers as part of the health care team.

New England Children with Genetic Disorders and Health Reform: Information and Recommendations for State Policymakers

Authors Comeau, M.

Date 2014

Project Catalyst Center

Keywords CYSHCN, Health Reform, Medicaid/CHIP

On Sept. 2, 2014, Meg Comeau, in her capacity as chair of the Health Care Access and Financing Work Group, New England Genetics Collaborative (NEGC), presented the information described in a new policy brief titled New England Children with Genetic Disorders & Health Care Reform: Information and Recommendations for State Policymakers. The webinar and policy brief outline gaps in insurance coverage and benefits experienced by children with genetic disorders and their families, based in part on the results of an online survey of families of children with genetic disorders living in the six New England states. The policy brief and webinar include recommendations for stakeholders under the ACA and beyond.