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25 Results Found

Support Resources for Families of Children with Special Needs

Authors Team Washington

Date 2021

Project CoIIN to Advance Care for Children with Medical Complexity

Keywords Family Partnership at the Clinical Setting, Washington

This resource sheet describes Washington-specific and national organizations that provide support for all members of the family.


Unit Coordinators Discharge Packet Job Aid

Authors Team Washington

Date 2021

Project CoIIN to Advance Care for Children with Medical Complexity

Keywords Family Partnership at the Clinical Setting, Washington

This document lists resources to include in discharge packets for children age 0-3. Links to resources are included.


Post-Op Visit Data Collection Tool

Authors Team Massachusetts

Date 2020

Project CoIIN to Advance Care for Children with Medical Complexity

Keywords Family Partnership at the Clinical Setting, Massachusetts

This document was created by Team Massachusetts to ask parents for feedback on the Get to Know Me form, the Pain Scale form, and the Surgical Shared Plan of Care. The document also includes sheets for recording themes in parent responses throughout the week.


Tips for a Successful Telehealth Visit

Authors Family Voices of Alabama, Family-to-Family Health Information Center

Date 2020

Project CoIIN to Advance Care for Children with Medical Complexity

Keywords Alabama, Family Partnership at the Clinical Setting

This tip sheet provides advice to families and caregivers for preparing for a telehealth visit with their child.


Virtual Care Team Conference (VCTC) Documentation Form

Authors OCSHCN

Date 2019

Project CoIIN to Advance Care for Children with Medical Complexity

Keywords Family Partnership at the Clinical Setting, Kentucky

This form is used to summarize questions addressed during the VCTC session and record planned follow-up and goals discussed.


Family Virtual Care Team Conferences (VCTC) Brochure

Authors OCSHCN

Date 2019

Project CoIIN to Advance Care for Children with Medical Complexity

Keywords Family Partnership at the Clinical Setting, Kentucky

This brochure describes the VCTC process for families and outlines what will happen during shared care planning.


Transition and You: Creating a Culture to Successfully Launch Our Patients to Adulthood with Compassion

Authors Tori Bahr, MD, Debbi Simmons Harris, MS, MA

Date 2021

Project CoIIN to Advance Care for Children with Medical Complexity

Keywords Family Partnership at the Clinical Setting, Minnesota

This recorded presentation describes Team Minnesota’s plan for helping patients transition from pediatric to adult care. It was originally presented to Gillette Children’s Specialty Healthcare.


Quality Improvement in Care Provision for Children with Medical Complexity: What Does Transformative Family Partnership Look Like within Interprofessional Teams?

Authors Maureen Benschoter, MD, Rahel Berhane, MD, Libbi Ethier, Bethlyn Houlihan, MSW, MPH, Judy Palfrey, MD, Sarah Perkins

Date 2021

Project CoIIN to Advance Care for Children with Medical Complexity

Keywords Family Partnership at the Clinical Setting

The learning objectives of this 2021 Family Voices Leadership Conference presentation are to identify ways to advocate for more robust family partnership for deeper and meaningful integration into health systems, apply family partnership in a real life setting on interprofessional teams to improve quality, and identify tools and strategies to align family leaders and allies for systems change for care of CYSHCN/CMC.
