The Community Health Workers (CHWS) National Library has been compiled by our team from nationwide sources.

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414 Results Found

Community Health Workers’ Experiences of Using Video Teaching Tools During Home Visits – A Pilot Study

Authors Coetzee, B., Kohrman, H., Tomlinson, M., Mbewu, N., Le Rough, I., et. al.

Date 2017

Project No Project Affiliation

Keywords CHW models, Global, Health Equity, Research and Evaluation Methods, Tools and Guides

A qualitative study from Health and Social Care in the Community assessing the acceptability and feasibility of using videos shared on computer tablets for health promotion. Draws on focus groups of community health workers in South Africa, and illustrates the strengths and challenges of tablet use.

Knowledge, Attitude, and Practice among Health Visitors in the United Kingdom toward Children’s Oral Health

Authors Oge, O.A., Douglas, G.V.A., Seymour, D., Adams, C., Csikar, J.

Date 2018

Project No Project Affiliation

Keywords Global, Research and Evaluation Methods, Scope of Practice, Selected Health Conditions

An article from Public Health Nursing. Describes results of a survey measuring Health Visitors’ knowledge of children’s oral health. Examines Health Visitors interest in additional training, increasing knowledge of up to date best practices, and incorporating oral health information into regular practice.

Promising Practices for Rural Community Health Worker Programs

Authors Infante, A., Knudson, A., Brown, A.

Date 2011

Project No Project Affiliation

Keywords CHW models, Health Equity, US- based

A brief from the Walsh Center for Rural Health Analysis and The Rural Health Research Center of the University of Minnesota. Identifies six community health worker models identified in rural health settings. Offers insight regarding rural CHW liability, program sustainability, and best practices for program implementation and evaluation.

A Little Bit of Poison… Will it Kill You?

Authors Migrant Clinicians Network

Date 2006

Project No Project Affiliation

Keywords Health Equity, Tools and Guides, US- based

En español

A manual in English and in Spanish for providing education about pesticide safety and health risks. Provides information as well as tips for engaging community around this topic.

Diabetes and Healthy Eyes Toolkit

Authors National Eye Institute


Project No Project Affiliation

Keywords Health Equity, Selected Health Conditions, Tools and Guides, US- based

En español

A toolkit from the National Eye Institute to assist community health workers in providing eye care education for people with diabetes. Kit includes educational materials for CHWs, a flip chart, healthy eyes brochure, information on Medicare eye care benefit eligibility, and more. Available in English and Spanish.

Break the Cycle: Toxic Stress Training Curriculum and Training Module

Authors Center for Child Stress & Health

Date 2016

Project No Project Affiliation

Keywords CHW models, Health Equity, Selected Health Conditions, Tools and Guides, Training and Supervision, US- based

En español

A curriculum for educating promotoras/community health workers about the health consequences of toxic stress, and preparing them to broach the topic of mental health with patients. Available in English and Spanish.

It’s Your Right to Know! Helping Community Health Workers Promote Chemical Safety on the Job

Authors Migrant Clinicians Network

Date 2017

Project No Project Affiliation

Keywords Health Equity, Selected Health Conditions, Tools and Guides, Training and Supervision, US- based

A webinar educating community health workers about chemical exposures at work. Provides information about how workers are exposed to toxins, how to recognize the signs and symptoms of exposure, and how to prevent exposure.

Community Health Workers and Their Role in the Prevention and Control of Hypertension

Authors Migrant Clinicians Network

Date 2017

Project No Project Affiliation

Keywords Health Equity, Selected Health Conditions, Tools and Guides, Training and Supervision, US- based

A webinar from the Migrant Clinicians Network educating community health workers on how to recognize the symptoms of hypertension and measure hypertension in the body. Community health workers will gain tools for encouraging patients to manage their blood pressure, as well as understand the barriers to controlling high blood pressure.

The Role of Community Health Workers in the Prevention of Oral Disease

Authors Migrant Clinicians Network

Date 2017

Project No Project Affiliation

Keywords Health Equity, Selected Health Conditions, Tools and Guides, Training and Supervision, US- based

A webinar from the Migrant Clinicians Network outlining the HRSA Measures of Oral Health, as well as the risk factors for poor oral health. The webinar examines the role of community health workers in maintaining oral health, and helps CHWs understand the services offered at their community health centers.

Connecting a Community

Authors Scally, C.P., Waxman, E., Gourevitch, R.

Date 2017

Project No Project Affiliation

Keywords CHW models, Health Equity, Tools and Guides, US- based

A report outlining a community health worker-led health promotion program implemented in low-income housing developments in Austin. As part of the intervention, CHWs offered nutrition, exercise, and chronic disease management classes to development residents.