The Community Health Workers (CHWS) National Library has been compiled by our team from nationwide sources.

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414 Results Found

Pathways of Care for Sexual Violence Survivors and the Benefits and Drawbacks of Using Community Health Workers to Provide Support Health Services to Sexual Violence Survivors: A Systemic Review and Case Study in Kenya

Authors Gatuguta, A.

Date 2018

Project No Project Affiliation

Keywords CHW models, Global, Health Equity, Research and Evaluation Methods

A mixed-methods study examining the opportunities and barriers to using community health workers to offer cohesive health care support to survivors of sexual assault. The authors draw on a review of literature, medical records, and interviews with survivors and CHWs to identify risk factors for not accessing care or accessing care late.

The Value of Community Health Workers in Diabetes Management in Low-Income Populations: A Qualitative Study

Authors Silverman, J., Krieger, J., Sayre, G., Nelson, K.

Date 2018

Project No Project Affiliation

Keywords Health Equity, Research and Evaluation Methods, Selected Health Conditions, US- based

An article from the Journal of Community Health analyzing completed home visit encounter forms completed by CHWs serving low-income patients with diabetes. CHWs identified common barriers to diabetes management, including limited knowledge of self-management skills, socioeconomic barriers, and difficulty in accessing healthcare.

Report on the “Think-In” on Community Health Worker Voice, Power, and Citizens’ Right to Health

Authors Schaaf, M., Warthin, C., Manning, A., Topp, S.

Date 2018

Project No Project Affiliation

Keywords CHW models, Global, Scope of Practice

Report from a convening organized by the Accountability Research Center of the School of International Service at American University. Participants shared experiences and knowledge, with the goals of identifying how CHWs experience accountability, and how to greater improve the accountability of CHWs, as well as the internal accountability of the health care system, and its accountability to communities.

Evaluation of Malaria Rapid Diagnostic Test (RDT) Use by Community Health Workers: A Longitudinal Study in Western Kenya

Authors Boyce, R.B. , Menya, D., Turner, E.L., Laktabi, J., Prudhomme-O'Meara, W.

Date 2018

Project No Project Affiliation

Keywords Global, Health Equity, Research and Evaluation Methods, Selected Health Conditions

A longitudinal study assessing the competence of CHWs twelve months after they received training in administering rapid diagnostic testing for malaria.

Preparing Mexican-Origin Community Health Advocates (Promotores) to Conduct SBIRT for Problem Drinking in the Emergency Room

Authors Ramos, R., Cherpitel, C.J., Alvarez, J., Beltran, O., Woolard, R., et. al.

Date 2018

Project No Project Affiliation

Keywords CHW models, Health Equity, Selected Health Conditions, Training and Supervision, US- based

An article describing the recruitment and training of Mexican-origin promotores to perform Screening Brief Intervention and Referral to Treatment for alcohol. Focuses on cultural factors to consider in training.

Development and Evaluation of a Genomics Training Program for Community Health Workers in Texas

Authors Chen, L., Zhao, S., Stelzig, D., Dhar, S.U., Eble, T., et. al.

Date 2018

Project No Project Affiliation

Keywords CHW models, Research and Evaluation Methods, Training and Supervision, US- based

An article from Genetics in Medicine evaluating a family health history genomics curriculum for community health workers. Community health workers participated in training in genomics, and confidence and use of genomics in their practice was measured at three months.

Evaluating the Training of Chinese-Speaking Community Health Workers to Implement a Small-Group Intervention Promoting Mammography

Authors Gu, J., Maxwell, A.E., Ma, G.X., Tan, Y., Hsieh, H., et. al.

Date 2018

Project No Project Affiliation

Keywords Selected Health Conditions, Training and Supervision, US- based

An article from the Journal of Cancer Education evaluating community health worker adherence to a mammography education curriculum. CHWs participated in a training, and performance in offering mammography education were evaluated.

Reducing 30-Day Readmission Rates in a High-Risk Population Using a Lay-Health Worker Model in Appalachia Kentucky

Authors Cardarelli, R., Horsley, M., Ray, L., Maggard, N., Schilling, J., et. al.

Date 2018

Project No Project Affiliation

Keywords CHW models, Health Equity, Research and Evaluation Methods, Scope of Practice, US- based

An article from Health Education Research describing the results of a study evaluating the impact of a lay health worker intervention in reducing 30-day hospital readmission rates. Lay health workers addressed the social needs – transportation, identifying community resources, etc. – of recently discharged members of a high-risk population.

A Multi-Site Community Randomized Trial of Community Health Workers to Provide Counseling and Support for Patients Newly Entering HIV Care in Rural Ethiopia: Study Design and Baseline Implementation

Authors Lifson, A.R., Workneh, S., Hailemichael, A., Maclehose, R.F., Horvath, K.J., et. al.

Date 2018

Project No Project Affiliation

Keywords Global, HIV/AIDS, Research and Evaluation Methods

A randomized controlled trial evaluating the impact of a community health worker intervention in Ethiopia. Participants were newly diagnosed patients with HIV, who were assigned a community health worker to help ensure continuity of care and prevent treatment disctontinuation. Describes challenges faced in implementation, and adaptations necessary in a low-resource setting.

What Role can Community Health Workers Play in Connecting Rural Women with Depression to the “de facto” Mental Health Care System?

Authors Snell-Rood, C., Feltner, F., Schoenberg, N.

Date 2018

Project No Project Affiliation

Keywords CHW models, Research and Evaluation Methods, Selected Health Conditions, US- based

A qualitative study from Community Mental Health Journal examining opportunities for CHWs to improve rural women’s access to mental health care. While rural women are more likely to struggle with depression, treatment options are limited. The authors interviewed CHWs to determine options for connecting women with services in rural areas.