M. Emilia Bianco, MSW, PhD
- EMAIL [email protected]
M. Emilia Bianco, MSW, PhD, is a researcher and educator specializing in social and economic justice. As a macro social worker, Bianco has worked internationally developing and implementing economic developmentprograms while also working directly with communities affected by structural poverty and violence. Bianco has worked with immigrant communities in the Boston area while working with BC Center for Human Rights and International Justice (CHRIJ), Casa El Salvador and WEE on a participatory and action research (PAR) project on immigrant families’ access to services, and on family language dynamics. She has also developed a humanitarian initiative and a research project with asylum-seeking mothers and their children resettling in the Boston area.
Bicultural and bilingual (Spanish/English), Bianco earned a Master’s in Social Work and a PhD degree at Boston College (BC) School of Social Work (BC SSW) and a Baccalaureate and Master’s in Communications at the Universidad Austral, in Argentina.
Currently, Bianco is working on the VR Interdisciplinary Education and Training project with CISWH and BUSM. She is also working as a Full-Time lecturer at BU and conducting research with asylum-seeking mothers in collaboration with community organizations in Boston.
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