Ten Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program providers nationwide who serve racial and ethnic minority populations have received subawards to integrate CHWs into their HIV care team. National data were used to inform the selection of the 10 project sites. Selection criteria included identified need, geographic location (urban/rural), and organizational interest and capacity.
- CrescentCare, New Orleans, LA
- East Carolina University, Greenville, NC
- Franklin Primary Health Center, Inc., Mobile, AL
- The Jacques Initiative, Institute of Human Virology, University of Maryland School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD
- Legacy Community Health Services, Inc., Houston, TX
- Newark Beth Israel Medical Center – Family Treatment Center, Newark, NJ
- Southern Nevada Health District, Las Vegas, NV
- Southwest Louisiana AIDS Council, Lake Charles, LA
- The McGregor Clinic, Inc., Fort Myers, FL
- University of Alabama at Birmingham 1917 Clinic, Birmingham, AL