Catalyst Center presentation from a July 12, 2012 Webinar conducted by the National Governors Association Center for Best Practices. The webinar covered innovative strategies to improve the delivery and payment of health care services to children with special health needs.
Webinar: Medicaid and CHIP: Funding, Service Delivery, and Quality
This is the fourth webinar in a five-webinar series about the Catalyst Center’s latest technical assistance tool Public Insurance Programs and Children with Special Health Care Needs: A Tutorial on the Basics of Medicaid and the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP).
What Changes Can I Expect From the ACA?
This webinar is an opportunity to learn about some of the provisions of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) that were designed to protect both eligibility and covered services for the 35.9% of children with special health care needs (CSHCN) who rely on Medicaid or CHIP (NS-CSHCN 2009/10 ). Participants will also learn about building partnerships amongst Medicaid, CHIP, Title V, patients, families, and other stakeholders to identify improvement projects in their state to better serve all children, including CSHCN.
New England Children with Genetic Disorders and Health Reform: Information and Recommendations for State Policymakers
On Sept. 2, 2014, Meg Comeau, in her capacity as chair of the Health Care Access and Financing Work Group, New England Genetics Collaborative (NEGC), presented the information described in a new policy brief titled New England Children with Genetic Disorders & Health Care Reform: Information and Recommendations for State Policymakers. The webinar and policy brief outline gaps in insurance coverage and benefits experienced by children with genetic disorders and their families, based in part on the results of an online survey of families of children with genetic disorders living in the six New England states. The policy brief and webinar include recommendations for stakeholders under the ACA and beyond.
The Affordable Care Act: Opportunities and Challenges 30th Meeting of the Secretary’s Advisory Committee on Heritable Disorders in Newborns and Children
On April 19, 2013, Meg Comeau attended the 30th meeting fo the Secretyary’s Advisory Committee on Heritable Disorders in Newborns and Children. She presented and discussed the Affordable Care Act, described the state marketplaces that will open in January 2014, among other topics.
The ABCs of the ACA for CYSHCN in Maryland: The Good, The Bad, The Unknown, webinar for Parents’ Place of Maryland.
An Overview of the Consumer Protections and Coverage Options in the Affordable Care Act
This joint webinar between the Catalyst Center and the National Center for Children’s Vision and Eye Health took place on Tuesday, January 14, 2014.
The Affordable Care Act: A Working Guide for MCH Professionals
This guide, developed by the Access to Care Core (Catalyst Center, AMCHP and NASHP) of the National MCH Workforce Development Center, provides the building blocks for current and future Maternal and Child Health professionals to learn the basics of the Affordable Care Act and its implications for Title V programs.
Financing the Special Health Care Needs of Children in Foster Care: A Primer
This primer focuses on an often overlooked population of children and youth with special health care needs: children and youth in foster care.
Issue Brief: The Affordable Care Act and Children and Youth with Autism Spectrum Disorder and Other Developmental Disabilities
The Catalyst Center has developed a new report for the Association of Maternal & Child Health Programs (AMCHP) that offers a brief description of selected provisions in the ACA that have implications for children with ASD/DD. It describes how state Title V maternal and child health (MCH) programs can maximize opportunities under the ACA to develop and strengthen systems of care for children and youth with ASD/DD.