Engaging Outreach Workers in the Development of a Farmworker Health Research Agenda

An article from Environmental Research documenting the results of a survey administered to farmworker health outreach workers. While health outreach workers have not been involved in setting the research agenda for farmworker health, the authors seek to involve them in this process and to create a bridge between researchers and farmworkers.

Community Health Workers

A concept note produced by the Global Health Delivery Project at Harvard. Outlines the history of global CHW programs as well as case studies of successful recruitment efforts.

Pathways of Care for Sexual Violence Survivors and the Benefits and Drawbacks of Using Community Health Workers to Provide Support Health Services to Sexual Violence Survivors: A Systemic Review and Case Study in Kenya

A mixed-methods study examining the opportunities and barriers to using community health workers to offer cohesive health care support to survivors of sexual assault. The authors draw on a review of literature, medical records, and interviews with survivors and CHWs to identify risk factors for not accessing care or accessing care late.