This infographic, developed in partnership between the American Academy of Pediatrics and the Collaborative Improvement and Innovation Network to Advance Care for Children with Medical Complexity (CMC CoIIN), is the first of a series to be released on learnings from the Children with Medical Complexity & COVID-19 Extension for Community Healthcare Outcomes (ECHO) project. This graphic outlines tips to create an inclusive space within an ECHO, and the benefits of inclusivity to the learning space. For more information on this interprofessional ECHO, please visit the CMC CoIIN ECHO webpage.
Quality Improvement to Support the Transition from Pediatric to Young Adult Health Care: Experiences of the Oregon Children with Medical Complexity
AMCHP newsletter ‘Pulse’ interview 2021 of Oregon CoIIN Implementation team members.
Creating Meaningful Settings to Strengthen Family Involvement
AMCHP 2019 presentation on creating meaningful settings to strengthen family involvement. – CMC CoIIN Team Oregon