An article documenting a process through which students in a community health worker training program evaluated and re-framed mental health focused learning modules. Through project-based learning, participants identified the limitations of a biomedical approach to mental health and developed strategies for addressing mental health in their communities.
Evaluating Community Health Workers’ Attributes, Roles, and Pathways of Action in Immigrant Communities
An article from Preventive Medicine. An article seeking to identify mechanisms of CHW effectiveness as well as CHW attributes to guide training and selection of CHWs working in immigrant communities.
Roles, Responsibilities, and Characteristics of Lay Community Health Workers Involved in Diabetes Prevention Programmes: A Systematic Review
A literature review examining the role of community health workers in diabetes prevention programs. Summarizes the roles CHWs play in such interventions, as well as topics covered and CHW training across the 30 studies reviewed.
Ongoing Training of Community Health Workers in Low-Income and Middle-Income Countries: A Systematic Scoping Review of the Literature
The authors of this study analyzed ongoing training of community health workers. Given the diversity of ongoing training activities and focus on specific skills or subjects of concern, the authors conclude that greater attention should be paid to the design and implementation of training with an eye towards health system improvement.
Integrating Community Health Workers Into Complex Care Teams
A technical brief offering guidelines for integrating community health workers into complex care teams, highlighting the importance of an intentional hiring process, clearly defined opportunities for career advancement, and meaningful supports and supervision.
Role of Community Health Workers in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Self-Management: A Scoping Review
A literature review summarizing the roles community health workers play in preventing and managing type 2 diabetes. The authors identify education, support, and advocacy as key areas to consider when developing interventions to address type 2 diabetes and when training CHWs.
Ongoing Training of Community Health Workers in Low-Income and Middle-Income Countries: A Systemic Scoping Review of Literature
A literature review outlining current implementation of ongoing CHW training in low and middle income countries. Identifies common methods of training, and advocates for increased attention to quality and sustainability of such training.
Preparing Mexican-Origin Community Health Advocates (Promotores) to Conduct SBIRT for Problem Drinking in the Emergency Room
An article describing the recruitment and training of Mexican-origin promotores to perform Screening Brief Intervention and Referral to Treatment for alcohol. Focuses on cultural factors to consider in training.
Development and Evaluation of a Genomics Training Program for Community Health Workers in Texas
An article from Genetics in Medicine evaluating a family health history genomics curriculum for community health workers. Community health workers participated in training in genomics, and confidence and use of genomics in their practice was measured at three months.
Evaluating the Training of Chinese-Speaking Community Health Workers to Implement a Small-Group Intervention Promoting Mammography
An article from the Journal of Cancer Education evaluating community health worker adherence to a mammography education curriculum. CHWs participated in a training, and performance in offering mammography education were evaluated.