Reflections on barriers observed for families of color, with cultural and language differences, and ways to mitigate the disparities in care observed based on the interventions tried.
Parent Perception of Care Integration PRO
Combined questions from PICS and FECC to create a PRO that measures care integration.
Development and Implementation of a Pediatric Care Coordination Needs Assessment Tool
This slide deck describes a very successful Team Minnesota care delivery initiative, to quantify care coordination need after the initial complex care clinic visit. It was originally presented at the American Case Management Association 2022 National Conference.
Durable Medical Equipment (DME) Reference Guide 2020
Colorado Durable Medical Equipment eligibility, documentation, and process for diapers, wheelchairs, supplemental oral nutrition, enteral nutrition, suction machine, disability placards, and synagis.
Reflections: The Category of Us
Debbi Simmons Harris tells the story of the presentation on racism and The Category of Us. This commentary was originally published in the Complex Care Journal.
Successful healthcare transition for youth with special healthcare needs is a team effort
A description of the challenges transitioning medically complex young adults from pediatric to adult care systems, in the words of three parents. This report was initially published in The Nurse Practitioner.
Family Focus Group Infographics
These infographics, aimed at providers, illustrate the five themes discovered through focus group interviews with families with CMC. The themes are types of support needed, the care team, improve care coordination, focus on the whole family, and care accessibility.
“All circuits ended”: Family experiences of transitioning from pediatric to adult healthcare for young adults with medical complexity in Oregon
This study aimed to explore the experiences of Oregon families of YAMC who had recently transitioned to adult health care providers, and obtain recommendations for transition from family members, to inform the development of the CoIIN quality improvement project.
Inadequate Preparation for Transition from Pediatric to Adult Healthcare for Oregon Young Adults With Medical Complexity: Root Cause Analysis
Root Cause Analysis using CoIIN Environmental Scan findings.
The Oregon team created the following problem statement to focus its QI work: “Young adults with medical complexity (YAMC) and their families are not adequately prepared for, or supported in, the transition from pediatric to adult healthcare.” We used a fishbone diagram tool to guide a root cause analysis of our problem statement. A root cause analysis seeks to identify the primary reasons underlying a problem. The results of our analysis appear on page 1.