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147 Results Found

CMC CoIIN Family Focus Group Infographics – Telehealth and COVID-19

Authors Rubina Veerakone

Date 2022

Project CoIIN to Advance Care for Children with Medical Complexity

Keywords Covid-19

The infographics share the experiences of families in the CMC CoIIN focus groups related to the impact of COVID-19 on their child and family and the benefits and challenges of telehealth. 


CMC CoIIN Convening – State Team Panel Audio Recording


Date 2022

Project CoIIN to Advance Care for Children with Medical Complexity

Keywords Alabama, Colorado, Indiana, Kentucky, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Oregon, Texas, Washington, Wisconsin

Panelists from the 10 CMC CoIIN state teams reflect on their learnings from their quality improvement projects in an interactive panel conversation. 


Pathways to Hiring Peer Navigator Staff

Authors Jill McCormick, Washington State Team

Date 2022

Project CoIIN to Advance Care for Children with Medical Complexity

Keywords Family Partnership at the Clinical Setting, Washington

A brief look at the benefits of Peer Family Navigation, who may support building it in the community and potential costs.


Washington State Birth to One Program: Building A Strong Foundation – Working With Diverse Families

Authors Washington State Team, Jill McCormick

Date 2022

Project CoIIN to Advance Care for Children with Medical Complexity

Keywords Unmet Need, Washington

Reflections on barriers observed for families of color, with cultural and language differences, and ways to mitigate the disparities in care observed based on the interventions tried.


Published Paper: Strategies for Changing State Medicaid Policy to Improve Services to Children with Medical Complexity

Authors Steve Fitton, Meg Comeau

Date 2022

Project CoIIN to Advance Care for Children with Medical Complexity


This paper introduces a number of existing Medicaid policy instruments and explains how to use them more effectively for programs and providers dedicated to serving CMC. Because Medicaid programs are so variable across the nation, we also provide a diagnostic approach to understanding each state’s Medicaid policy and service delivery system environment. Finally, we offer strategies of different scale to demonstrate how to change policy incrementally from the targeted to transformative.


Policy Brief: Advancing Care for Exceptional (ACE) Kids Act

Authors Steve Fitton, Ben Plant, MPH

Date 2022

Project CoIIN to Advance Care for Children with Medical Complexity


The federal Advancing Care for Exceptional (ACE) Kids Act became law in 2019 and aims to provide access to a high quality, well-coordinated system of care for children with medical complexity (CMC) and their families. This policy brief describes the background on the need for the ACE Kids legislation and outlines three benefits for states that choose to implement it. We focus on patient-centered health home models of care coordination with a comprehensive care plan that addresses all service needs.


Policy Brief: A Perspective on Cost Effectiveness in Pediatric Comprehensive Complex Care Service Models

Authors Steve Fitton

Date 2022

Project CoIIN to Advance Care for Children with Medical Complexity


This brief presents evidence on the cost effectiveness of comprehensive service delivery models to improve care for children with medical complexity (CMC) and describes the unique challenges in cost effectiveness evaluations for this population. It also points to Medicaid policy opportunities that provide financial support for a developmental period, whether focused on model development or systems building expansion. This information is offered as a resource to help make the financial case for further development and expansion of service delivery models for CMC.


PPT Slide Deck: Paths to Financial Sustainability for Comprehensive Pediatric Complex Care Programs: A Medicaid Policy Toolkit for Title V Programs

This slide deck, originally presented at the Association of Maternal and Child Health Programs’ 2021 virtual conference, outlines a number of policy opportunities for Title V programs to utilize in sustaining funding for pediatric complex care. The presentation breaks down these policy opportunities into broad, targeted, eligibility, and reimbursement based strategies. For more in-depth information on each, review “Strategies for Changing State Medicaid Policy to Improve Services to Children with Medical Complexity”.
