The Community Health Workers (CHWS) National Library has been compiled by our team from nationwide sources.

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414 Results Found

Complex Care Program Welcome Letter

Authors CoIIN Team Minnesota

Date 2021

Project CoIIN to Advance Care for Children with Medical Complexity

Keywords Medical Home, Minnesota

Part of a ‘new to program’ packet sent to new complex care program patients/families several weeks ahead of their first complex care program clinic visit.


Pediatric Primary Care Provider Concerns and Preparation for Adult Healthcare Transfer of Medically Complex Young Adults

Authors Alison J. Martin, PhD, MA, Reyna Lindert, Ana M.D. Valdez, Family leader BranDee Trejo, Family leader Tamara Bakewell, MA, Family leader Shreya Roy, PhD, Marilyn Berardinelli, BS, Sheryl Gallarde-Kim, MSc, Reem Hasan, MD, PhD

Date 2021

Project CoIIN to Advance Care for Children with Medical Complexity

Keywords Medical Home, Oregon

Findings from Oregon team’s CoIIN QI project presented at the Adolescent Health Initiative virtual meeting 2021.


Shared Care Planning Handbook and Pediatric to Adult Care Transition (PACT) Workbook

Authors Oregon CoIIN Team

Date 2021

Project CoIIN to Advance Care for Children with Medical Complexity

Keywords Oregon, Shared Plan of Care

The Shared Care Planning Handbook describes the process of creating a Shared Plan of Care, and is designed to be used alongside the Pediatric to Adult Care Transition workbook. The transition workbook includes information about 1) Introduction to the Medical Home; 2) Discussion of Medical Conditions and Medications; and 3) Transferring Care to use as a resource and workbook with the primary care provider on an ongoing basis during transition preparation, and to support a new patient visit with an adult primary care physician.

“All circuits ended”: Family experiences of transitioning from pediatric to adult healthcare for young adults with medical complexity in Oregon

Authors Shreya Roy, Ana M.D. Valdez, BranDee Trejo, Tamara Bakewell, Alison J. Martin

Date 2021

Project CoIIN to Advance Care for Children with Medical Complexity

Keywords Oregon, Unmet Need

This study aimed to explore the experiences of Oregon families of YAMC who had recently transitioned to adult health care providers, and obtain recommendations for transition from family members, to inform the development of the CoIIN quality improvement project.


Quality Improvement to Support the Transition from Pediatric to Young Adult Health Care: Experiences of the Oregon Children with Medical Complexity

Authors Stacy Collins

Date 2021

Project CoIIN to Advance Care for Children with Medical Complexity

Keywords Family Leadership in Systems, Oregon

AMCHP newsletter ‘Pulse’ interview 2021 of Oregon CoIIN Implementation team members.


Inadequate Preparation for Transition from Pediatric to Adult Healthcare for Oregon Young Adults With Medical Complexity: Root Cause Analysis

Authors Alison J. Martin, Tamara Bakewell, BranDee Trejo, Ana Valdez, Sheryl Gallarde-Kim, Marilyn Berardinelli, Robert Nickel, Deborah Rumsey

Date 2019

Project CoIIN to Advance Care for Children with Medical Complexity

Keywords Oregon, Unmet Need

Root Cause Analysis using CoIIN Environmental Scan findings.
The Oregon team created the following problem statement to focus its QI work: “Young adults with medical complexity (YAMC) and their families are not adequately prepared for, or supported in, the transition from pediatric to adult healthcare.” We used a fishbone diagram tool to guide a root cause analysis of our problem statement. A root cause analysis seeks to identify the primary reasons underlying a problem. The results of our analysis appear on page 1.


Creating Meaningful Settings to Strengthen Family Involvement

Authors Tamara Bakewell, Ana M.D. Valdez, BranDee Trejo, Alison J. Martin

Date 2019

Project CoIIN to Advance Care for Children with Medical Complexity

Keywords Family Leadership in Systems, Oregon

AMCHP 2019 presentation on creating meaningful settings to strengthen family involvement. – CMC CoIIN Team Oregon


Capacitación para promotores de salud para la prevención del VIH / SIDA en comunidades rurales Latinas

Authors Farmworker Justice

Date 2013

Project No Project Affiliation

Keywords Health Equity, HIV/AIDS, Tools and Guides, Training and Supervision, US- based

Un currículo en español que capacita a promotores en la prevención del VIH. Este recurso es una guía para el personal que capacita a los promotores.

Rompe el Ciclo: Programa de Capacitación sobre el Estrés Tóxico y Módulo de Capacitación

Authors Center for Child Stress & Health

Date 2016

Project No Project Affiliation

Keywords CHW models, Health Equity, Selected Health Conditions, Tools and Guides, Training and Supervision

In English 

Un curriculo para educar a los promotores sobre las consecuencias del estrés tóxico para la salud, y prepararlos para abordar el tema de la salud mental con pacientes. Disponible en inglés y español

Conjunto de instrumentos para el diabetes y los ojos sanos

Authors National Eye Institute


Project No Project Affiliation

Keywords Health Equity, Selected Health Conditions, Tools and Guides, US- based

In English 

Un conjunto de instrumentos del National Eye Institute para ayudar a promotores de salud proporcionar educación sobre el cuidado de los ojos para personas con diabetes. El conjunto incluye materiales educativos para los promotores, un rotafolio, un folleto sobre los ojos sanos, información sobre la elegibilidad para beneficios de cuidado ocular de Medicare, y más. Disponible en inglés y español