The Community Health Workers (CHWS) National Library has been compiled by our team from nationwide sources.

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414 Results Found

Community Health Workers in Health-Related Missouri Agencies: Role, Professional Development and Health Information Needs

Authors Visker, J., Rhodes, D., Cox, C.

Date 2017

Project No Project Affiliation

Keywords Scope of Practice, Training and Supervision, US- based

A peer-reviewed article examining the roles and training of community health workers in Missouri. Seeks to better understand how widely CHWs are employed in the state, as well as the common tasks they perform and health concerns they address.

Community Health Worker Resources

Authors Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Date 2018

Project No Project Affiliation

Keywords Selected Health Conditions, Tools and Guides, US- based

A compilation of CDC resources for community health workers from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Provides access to resources related to specific diseases, including asthma, cancer, diabetes and others. Intended for use by CHWs as well as those supervising CHWs.

An Action Guide on Community Health Workers: Guidance for Organizations Working with CHWs

Authors The Institute for Clinical and Economic Review

Date 2013

Project No Project Affiliation

Keywords CHW models, Financing, Tools and Guides, US- based

A policy guide for organizations hiring community health workers meant to accompany the report “Community Health Workers: A review of program evolution, evidence on effectiveness and value, and status of workforce development in New England.” Draws on evidence-based best practices to offer guidance on training and certification, educating payers, funding, and recruitment.

Community Health Workers: A Review of Program Evolution, Evidence on Effectiveness and Value, and Status of Workforce Development in New England

Authors The Institute for Clinical and Economic Review

Date 2013

Project No Project Affiliation

Keywords CHW models, Financing, Research and Evaluation Methods, US- based

An evidence review and policy analysis from the Institute for Clinical and Economic Review. Addresses the impact of community health worker interventions on health outcomes in New England, the cost of CHW programs, and outlines best practices for CHW program implementation.

Community Health Workers: Action Guide of Insurers

Authors The Institute for Clinical and Economic Review

Date 2013

Project No Project Affiliation

Keywords CHW models, Financing, Tools and Guides, US- based

A policy guide for insurers meant to accompany the report “Community Health Workers: A review of program evolution, evidence on effectiveness and value, and status of workforce development in New England.” Outlines best practices when contracting with providers as well as reimbursement models for CHW services.

Community Health Workers: Action Guide for Workforce

Authors The Institute for Clinical and Economic Review

Date 2013

Project No Project Affiliation

Keywords Scope of Practice, Tools and Guides, US- based

A policy guide for those working as community health workers or considering a career in the field and is meant to accompany the report “Community Health Workers: A review of program evolution, evidence on effectiveness and value, and status of workforce development in New England.”


Authors Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Date 2017

Project No Project Affiliation

Keywords Health Equity, Tools and Guides, Training and Supervision, US- based

A guide from the CDC. A training guide for promotoras to provide education and encourage cervical cancer screening among Hispanic women.

Community Health Worker Toolkit

Authors Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Date 2018

Project No Project Affiliation

Keywords Tools and Guides, Training and Supervision, US- based

An extensive resource for administrators and community health workers. Provides information on best practices for CHW training and guidance surrounding state policy, as well as resources for CHWs to use in the field.

Randomized Controlled Trial of a Community Health Worker Self-Management Support Intervention Among Low-Income Adults with Diabetes in Seattle, Washington, 2010-2014

Authors Nelson, K., Taylor, L., Silverman, J., Kiefer, M., Hebert, P., et. al.

Date 2017

Project No Project Affiliation

Keywords Health Equity, Research and Evaluation Methods, Selected Health Conditions, US- based

A study assessing the impact of a community health worker intervention to improve diabetes outcomes. Measured the efficacy of a home-based intervention for a group of adults referred from 3 safety-net providers in Seattle, Washington.

Think Cultural Health

Authors US Department of Health and Human Services


Project No Project Affiliation

Keywords Health Equity, Scope of Practice, Tools and Guides, Training and Supervision, US- based

An e-learning program focused on cultural competence from the US Department of Health and Human Services. The target audience is promotores de salud.