The Community Health Workers (CHWS) National Library has been compiled by our team from nationwide sources.

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414 Results Found

Community Health Worker Employer Survey: Perspectives on CHW Workforce Development in the Midwest

Authors Chaidez, V., Palmer-Wackerly, A.L., Trout, K.E.

Date 2018

Project No Project Affiliation

Keywords Scope of Practice, Training and Supervision, US- based

An article from the Journal of Community Health analyzing the results of a community health worker employer survey. Explored themes in CHW support as well as needs that CHWs might be able to meet within organizations.

Extension for Community Healthcare Outcomes (ECHO): A New Model for Community Health Worker Training and Support

Authors Komaromy, M., Ceballos, V., Zurawski, A., Bodenheimer, T., Thom, D.H., et. al.

Date 2017

Project No Project Affiliation

Keywords CHW models, Selected Health Conditions, Training and Supervision, US- based

An article from the Journal of Public Health Policy describing a community health worker training and mentoring program. The program draws on the Extension for Community Healthcare Outcomes model, and offers case-based learning and support to CHWs. The training programs focus specifically on addictions and obesity.

Community Health Worker Return on Investment Study Final Report

Authors Christiansen, E., Morning, K.

Date 2017

Project No Project Affiliation

Keywords Financing, Health Equity, Scope of Practice, US- based

A report evaluating the return on investment of a pilot program incorporating community health workers into a managed care organization in Nevada, with particular focus on reducing emergency room visits by frequent users.

Roles and Functions of Community Health Workers in Primary Care

Authors Hartzler, A.L., Tuzzio, L., Hsu, C., Wagner, E.H.

Date 2018

Project No Project Affiliation

Keywords CHW models, Scope of Practice, US- based

A literature review from the Annals of Family Medicine identifying the functions and roles of community health workers, and the implications of these roles for integrating and better utilizing community health workers in primary care.

A Community Health Worker Intervention to Improve Blood Pressure Among Filipino Americans with Hypertension: A Randomized Controlled Trial

Authors Ursua, R.A., Aguilar, D.E., Wyatt, L.C., Trinh-Shevrin, C., Gamboa, L., et. al.

Date 2018

Project No Project Affiliation

Keywords Health Equity, Research and Evaluation Methods, Selected Health Conditions, US- based

An article from Preventive Medicine Reports assessing the efficacy of a community health worker intervention to improve hypertension among Filipino Americans. The study employed community-based participatory research methods, and evaluated blood pressure and appointment keeping among participants.

Outcomes at 18 Months from a Community Health Worker and Peer Leader Diabetes Self-Management Program for Latino Adults

Authors Spencer, M.S., Kieffer, E.C., Sinco, B., Piatt, G., Plamisano, G., et. al.

Date 2018

Project No Project Affiliation

Keywords CHW models, Research and Evaluation Methods, Selected Health Conditions, US- based

An article assessing a peer-led diabetes intervention. Participants either received monthly calls from a CHW, or monthly calls plus weekly peer-led meetings. HBA1c, diabetes distress, depressive symptoms, and other indicators were measured.

Diabetes Training for Community Health Workers on an American Indian Reservation

Authors Policicchio, J.M., Dontje, K.

Date 2017

Project No Project Affiliation

Keywords CHW models, Health Equity, Selected Health Conditions, Training and Supervision, US- based

An article describing a training course in diabetes management for community health workers on an American Indian reservation. Assesses satisfaction of CHWs with the training, as well as patient health outcomes associated with CHW intervention.

Supporting and Retaining Village Health Teams: An Assessment of a Community Health Worker Program in Two Ugandan Districts

Authors Mays, D.C., O'Neil, E.J., Mworozi, E.A., Lough, B.J., Tabb, Z.J., et. al.

Date 2016

Project No Project Affiliation

Keywords CHW models, Financing, Global, Health Equity, Training and Supervision

An article from the International Journal for Equity in Health identifying factors in village health worker retention in Uganda’s national community health worker program.

Internet-Based Cognitive Behavioral Therapy with Community Health Worker Support for Adults with Social Anxiety

Authors Bautista, C.L.

Date 2018

Project No Project Affiliation

Keywords CHW models, Selected Health Conditions, US- based

A doctoral dissertation assessing the acceptability and feasibility of an internet-based cognitive-behavioral therapy intervention with support from a peer coach. Describes research findings and provides background on lay health workers in the context of mental health.

An Integrated Community Health Worker Intervention in Rural Nepal: A Type 2 Hybrid Effectiveness-Implementation Study Protocol

Authors Maru, S., Nirola, I., Thapa, A., Thapa, P., Kunwar, L., et. al.

Date 2018

Project No Project Affiliation

Keywords Global, Health Equity, Research and Evaluation Methods

A study protocol designed to evaluate the efficacy of a scaled-up community health worker intervention in rural Nepal intended to improve maternal and child health outcomes.