The Community Health Workers (CHWS) National Library has been compiled by our team from nationwide sources.

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414 Results Found

“I am Not Telling. The Mobile is Telling”: Factors Influencing the Outcomes of a Community Health Worker mHealth Intervention in India

Authors Ilozumba, O., Dieleman, M., Kraamwinkel, N., Van Belle, S., Chaudoury, M., et. al.

Date 2018

Project No Project Affiliation

Keywords CHW models, Global, Selected Health Conditions

A study describing the program developers’ rationale in designing a community health worker-led intervention to improve maternal outcomes in India utilizing mobile health tools. Articulates contextual factors impacting implementation and evaluates program efficacy.

Mental Health Interventions with Community Health Workers in the United States: A Systematic Review

Authors Weaver, A., Lapidos, A.

Date 2018

Project No Project Affiliation

Keywords CHW models, Health Equity, Selected Health Conditions, US- based

A literature review from the Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved. Examines studies of community health worker interventions addressing mental health. Offers recommendations for strengthening the evidence base for such interventions as well as potential outcomes of future CHW-lead mental health interventions.

The Effectiveness of Treatment for Severe Acute Malnutrition (SAM) Delivered by Community Health Workers Compared to a Traditional Facility Based Model

Authors Alvarez Moran, J. L. , Franck Ale, G. B. , Charle, P., Sessions, N. , Doumbia, S. , et. al

Date 2018

Project No Project Affiliation

Keywords Global, Health Equity, Research and Evaluation Methods, Scope of Practice, Selected Health Conditions

This study compares the treatment of severe acute malnutrition by community health workers with treatment received at local health facilities. The findings suggest that CHWs are able to effectively treat SAM.

Current Demographics and Roles of Florida Community Health Workers: Implications for Future Recruitment and Training

Authors Tucker, C.M., Smith, T.M., Hogan, M.L., Banzhaf, M., Molina, N., et. al.

Date 2017

Project No Project Affiliation

Keywords Health Equity, Scope of Practice, Training and Supervision, US- based

A descriptive study from the Journal of Community Health. Drawing on survey data, the article analyzes demographic characteristics of community health workers in Florida as well as the roles filled by these community health workers.

Shifting Burden or Expanding Access to Care? Assessing Malaria Case Management and Reactive Case Detection

Authors Larsen, D.A., Winters, A., Cheelo, S., Hamainza, B., Kamuliwo, M., et. al.

Date 2017

Project No Project Affiliation

Keywords Global, Research and Evaluation Methods, Selected Health Conditions

An article evaluating a community health worker intervention to diagnose and treat malaria in Zimbabwe. Assesses the impact of the intervention by examining the rates of identification of new cases of malaria and utilization of a local health center.

Community Health Worker Interventions to Promote Psychosocial Outcomes Among People Living with HIV – A Systemic Review

Authors Han, H., Kim, K., Murphy, J., Cudjoe, J., Wilson, P., et. al.

Date 2018

Project No Project Affiliation

Keywords CHW models, Global, HIV/AIDS, Research and Evaluation Methods

A review of literature addressing the use of community health worker interventions in addressing psychosocial outcomes among people living with HIV. Analyzes the roles played by CHWs in interventions, outcomes of interest (depression, stigma, self-efficacy, and social support), and offers recommendations for future research.

Community Health Worker Interventions to Promote Psychosocial Outcomes Among People Living With HIV- A Systematic Review

Authors Han, H., Kim, K. , Murphy, J., Cudjoe J. , Wilson, P. , et. al

Date 2018

Project No Project Affiliation

Keywords CHW models, HIV/AIDS, Scope of Practice

A literature review examining CHW interventions intended to improve psychosocial outcomes among indivduals living with HIV. The review analyzes the type and scope of interventions used, as well as protocol fidelity.

Sustainable Financing Models for Community Health Worker Services in Connecticut: Translating Science into Practice

Authors London, K., Tikkanen, R.

Date 2017

Project No Project Affiliation

Keywords CHW models, Financing, Tools and Guides, US- based

A report from the Connecticut Health Foundation describing proposed community health worker programs in Connecticut, and offering a template for providers and payers considering methods of financing such programs.

Piloting a Mental Health Training Programme for Community Health Workers in South Africa: An Exploration of Changes in Knowledge, Confidence, and Attitudes

Authors Sibeko, G., Milligan, P.D., Roelofse, M., Molefe, L., Jonker, D., et. al.

Date 2018

Project No Project Affiliation

Keywords CHW models, Global, Research and Evaluation Methods, Selected Health Conditions

A quasi-experimental study evaluating the feasibility and acceptability of a training in mental health related services administered to community health workers. Knowledge, confidence, and attitudes toward mental illness were evaluated before and after the training program.

Addressing Health Disparities from Within the Community: Community-Based Participatory Research and Community Health Worker Policy Initiatives Using a Gender-Based Approach

Authors Simonsen, S.E., Ralls, B., Guymon, A., Garrett, T., Eisenman, P., et. al.

Date 2017

Project No Project Affiliation

Keywords CHW models, Health Equity, Research and Evaluation Methods, Selected Health Conditions, US- based

A study from Women’s Health Issues. Describes an intervention addressing obesity among women in Utah. The study employed peer health coaching as an individual-level intervention, while simultaneously soliciting information about organizational, local, and state level policies impacting the health of women and girls, and engaging in policy advocacy around these issues.