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25 Results Found

Action-oriented tools to build family trust for improved care for children with medical complexity

Authors Libbi Ethier, Bethlyn Houlihan, MSW, MPH, Cara Coleman, MPH, JD, Mary Jo Paladino, MSA

Date 2021

Project CoIIN to Advance Care for Children with Medical Complexity

Keywords Family Leadership in Systems, Family Partnership at the Clinical Setting

This presentation, delivered at the National Center for Complex Health and Social Needs 2021 Conference, details how the CMC CoIIN adapted to measure families’ needs and introduces the Family Engagement in Systems Assessment Tool (FESAT) that was created in partnership with Family Voices.


The Category of Us: Racism and Ableism’s Impact on Families with Children with Medical Complexity

Authors Ben Plant, Bethlyn Houlihan, MSW, MPH, Debbi Harris, MS, MA

Date 2021

Project CoIIN to Advance Care for Children with Medical Complexity

Keywords Family Partnership at the Clinical Setting, Minnesota

This presentation discusses intersectionality and oppression and the personal story of Debbi Harris, a representative of Family Voices Minnesota. It was originally presented at the National Center for Complex Health and Social Needs 2021 Conference.


Caring for children with medical complexity through transformative family partnership

Authors Maureen Benschoter, MD, Rahel Berhane, MD, Meg Comeau, MHA, Bethlyn Houlihan, MSW, MPH, Judy Palfrey, MD, Sarah Perkins

Date 2021

Project CoIIN to Advance Care for Children with Medical Complexity

Keywords Family Partnership at the Clinical Setting, Massachusetts, Texas

This presentation, created for a National Center for Complex Health And Social Needs webinar, discusses findings from family focus groups conducted by CoIIN teams and how the Massachusetts and Texas teams used these findings to support family partnership.


Effective Family Partnership Tools to Drive Global and Local Improvements: Learnings from the CMC CoIIN

Authors CMC CoIIN Leadership Team, ConverSketch, Family Voices National

Date 2021

Project CoIIN to Advance Care for Children with Medical Complexity

Keywords Covid-19, Family Leadership in Systems, Family Partnership at the Clinical Setting

This poster, created for the AMCHP 2021 conference, details the Family Engagement in Systems Assessment Tool (FESAT) process with CoIIN teams, overall FESAT findings from 3 rounds of assessment spanning the pandemic, and initial state team local action plans for targeted improvement based on the FESAT. It also shows the iterative, family-led, collaborative process employed to develop the family focus group guide, and aggregate themed analysis of cross-team results, noting contrasting post-COVID themes.


Family-centered care for children with medical complexity: A goal-planning initiative

Authors Kathy Lindstrom, DNP, APRN, FNP-BC, Rhonda Cady, PhD, RN, Andrea Bushaw, PhD, RN, CPNP

Date 2020

Project CoIIN to Advance Care for Children with Medical Complexity

Keywords Family Partnership at the Clinical Setting, Minnesota

This document describes a family-centered goal-planning initiative, prior to the CMC CoIIN work. The learnings informed Team Minnesota’s work on the CoIIN.
