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Resources for 7. Evaluating Peer Programs: Evaluation tools and Instruments PDF

Authors Multiple authors from American Red Cross, BU SPH, Center for Health Training, Columbia University, Harlem Hospital, JRI, Kansas City Free Health Clinic, WORLD

Date 2009

Project PEER Center

Keywords Financing, HIV/AIDS, Research and Evaluation Methods, Scope of Practice, Tools and Guides, Training and Supervision, US- based

Purpose of this toolkit: to support organizations and communities who work with peers to effectively engage and retain PLWHA in care and treatment.

Primary audiences: directors/managers, supervisors of social services, clinic managers and medical directors, nurses and case managers, state and county health officials in charge of HIV program dollars, planning councils, consumer advisory committees and anyone interested in building, enhancing or incorporating peers into a program

Additional uses: Organizations can review and select relevant sections based on their program’s needs and use the tools and resources available

Resources for 7. Evaluating Peer Programs: Further Reading PDF

Authors Multiple authors from American Red Cross, BU SPH, Center for Health Training, Columbia University, Harlem Hospital, JRI, Kansas City Free Health Clinic, WORLD

Date 2009

Project PEER Center

Keywords Financing, HIV/AIDS, Research and Evaluation Methods, Scope of Practice, Tools and Guides, Training and Supervision, US- based

Purpose of this toolkit: to support organizations and communities who work with peers to effectively engage and retain PLWHA in care and treatment.

Primary audiences: directors/managers, supervisors of social services, clinic managers and medical directors, nurses and case managers, state and county health officials in charge of HIV program dollars, planning councils, consumer advisory committees and anyone interested in building, enhancing or incorporating peers into a program

Additional uses: Organizations can review and select relevant sections based on their program’s needs and use the tools and resources available

Resources for 8. Funding Sources PDF

Authors Multiple authors from American Red Cross, BU SPH, Center for Health Training, Columbia University, Harlem Hospital, JRI, Kansas City Free Health Clinic, WORLD

Date 2009

Project PEER Center

Keywords Financing, HIV/AIDS, Research and Evaluation Methods, Scope of Practice, Tools and Guides, Training and Supervision, US- based

Purpose of this toolkit: to support organizations and communities who work with peers to effectively engage and retain PLWHA in care and treatment.

Primary audiences: directors/managers, supervisors of social services, clinic managers and medical directors, nurses and case managers, state and county health officials in charge of HIV program dollars, planning councils, consumer advisory committees and anyone interested in building, enhancing or incorporating peers into a program

Additional uses: Organizations can review and select relevant sections based on their program’s needs and use the tools and resources available

Componentes Esenciales para la Capacitación de los Pares: Destrezas de Comunicación PDF

Authors Varios autores de American Red Cross, BU SPH, Center for Health Training, Columbia University, Harlem Hospital, JRI, Kansas City Free Health Clinic, WORLD

Date 2010

Project PEER Center

Keywords HIV/AIDS

English Curriculum.
Una herramienta para capacitar pares/peers con VIH para involucrar a las personas viviendo con VIH o SIDA a entrar o seguir con su cuidado médico

Propósito de esta Herramienta:
Apoyar la capacitación de pares/peers viviendo con el VIH para involucrar y retener personas viviendo con el VIH en cuidado médico.

: Capacitadores con experiencia y organizaciones de capacitación que pueden usar esta herramienta para crear, mejorar, o refinar su capacitación de pares/peers.

Otros Usos: Supervisores de pares o directores de programas pueden utilizar esta herramienta para planificar una capacitación de pares/peers recientemente contratados o para proveer educación continua a pares/peers que ya están trabajando.
English: Building Blocks to Peer Success

Esta herramienta está dividida en categorías generales para facilitar el acceso a una gran cantidad de información presentada. Los módulos individuales están organizados para poderlos facilitar individualmente e incluyen instrucciones detalladas como el tiempo, materiales, y preparación necesaria para cada modulo.

Componentes Esenciales para la Capacitación de los Pares: Rol del Par PDF

Authors Varios autores de American Red Cross, BU SPH, Center for Health Training, Columbia University, Harlem Hospital, JRI, Kansas City Free Health Clinic, WORLD

Date 2010

Project PEER Center

Keywords HIV/AIDS

English Curriculum.
Una herramienta para capacitar pares/peers con VIH para involucrar a las personas viviendo con VIH o SIDA a entrar o seguir con su cuidado médico

Propósito de esta Herramienta:
Apoyar la capacitación de pares/peers viviendo con el VIH para involucrar y retener personas viviendo con el VIH en cuidado médico.

: Capacitadores con experiencia y organizaciones de capacitación que pueden usar esta herramienta para crear, mejorar, o refinar su capacitación de pares/peers.

Otros Usos: Supervisores de pares o directores de programas pueden utilizar esta herramienta para planificar una capacitación de pares/peers recientemente contratados o para proveer educación continua a pares/peers que ya están trabajando.
English: Building Blocks to Peer Success

Esta herramienta está dividida en categorías generales para facilitar el acceso a una gran cantidad de información presentada. Los módulos individuales están organizados para poderlos facilitar individualmente e incluyen instrucciones detalladas como el tiempo, materiales, y preparación necesaria para cada modulo.

Case Study: Christie’s Place, San Diego PDF

Authors Rajabiun, S. , & other authors

Date 2011

Project PEER Center

Keywords HIV/AIDS, Supportive Services

Here we share the lessons learned as PEER Center and Peer Education and Training Sites staff helped organizations integrate peer services to support clients living with HIV. The intent is to share ideas and approaches so program planners, policy makers, evaluators, consumer advisory boards, funders and organizations can integrate HIV-positive peers into HIV care and treatment within their communities. Four case studies describe the PETS/REC Initiative’s efforts to integrate peers into the care and treatment teams within specific organizations and communities.

Case Study: Florida Department of Health, Bureau of HIV/AIDS PDF

Authors Rajabiun, S. , & other authors

Date 2011

Project PEER Center

Keywords HIV/AIDS, Supportive Services

Here we share the lessons learned as PEER Center and Peer Education and Training Sites staff helped organizations integrate peer services to support clients living with HIV. The intent is to share ideas and approaches so program planners, policy makers, evaluators, consumer advisory boards, funders and organizations can integrate HIV-positive peers into HIV care and treatment within their communities. Four case studies describe the PETS/REC Initiative’s efforts to integrate peers into the care and treatment teams within specific organizations and communities.

Case Study: Waterbury Hospital Infectious Disease Clinic, Waterbury, CT PDF

Authors Rajabiun, S. , & other authors

Date 2011

Project PEER Center

Keywords HIV/AIDS, Supportive Services

Here we share the lessons learned as PEER Center and Peer Education and Training Sites staff helped organizations integrate peer services to support clients living with HIV. The intent is to share ideas and approaches so program planners, policy makers, evaluators, consumer advisory boards, funders and organizations can integrate HIV-positive peers into HIV care and treatment within their communities. Four case studies describe the PETS/REC Initiative’s efforts to integrate peers into the care and treatment teams within specific organizations and communities.

Case Study: Project ARK, St. Louis, MO PDF

Authors Rajabiun, S. , & other authors

Date 2011

Project PEER Center

Keywords HIV/AIDS, Supportive Services

Here we share the lessons learned as PEER Center and Peer Education and Training Sites staff helped organizations integrate peer services to support clients living with HIV. The intent is to share ideas and approaches so program planners, policy makers, evaluators, consumer advisory boards, funders and organizations can integrate HIV-positive peers into HIV care and treatment within their communities. Four case studies describe the PETS/REC Initiative’s efforts to integrate peers into the care and treatment teams within specific organizations and communities.

Ryan White 2016 Conference Homeless Institute – Homeless Institute 201: Using interdisciplinary teams to provide care to people living with HIV/AIDS who are homeless/unstably housed (Fri Aug. 26, 2016 8:00 – 9:30 am ET, Session ID: 6425) PDF

Authors Staff from CAHPP, Boston Health Care for the Homeless, and HIV provider sites nationwide

Date 2016

Project Med-HEART

Keywords HIV/AIDS, Homelessness, Medical Home

The CAHPP staff, together with partner Boston Health Care for the Homeless Program and HIV provider demonstration sites nationwide, presented the work of the initiative Building a Medical Home for Multiply Diagnosed HIV Homeless Populations. The team presented an institute consisting of three 90-minute workshops at the 2016 Ryan White HIV/AIDS Conference.