The Eye of the Beholder: A Discussion of Value and Quality From the Perspective of Families of Children and Youth With Special Health Care Needs
Authors Anderson, B., Beckett, J., Wells, N., Comeau, M.
Date 2017
Project Catalyst Center
Keywords CYSHCN
There is broad agreement that increasing the cost-effectiveness and quality of health care services, thereby achieving greater value, is imperative given this country’s current spiraling costs and poor health outcomes. However, how individuals or stakeholder groups define value may differ significantly. To date, the consumer perspective has been underrepresented in discussions of value-based strategies such as pay for performance, capitated and bundled payments, and high-deductible health plans, which have been driven primarily by payers and providers. This article will discuss 3 elements of value from the perspective of families of children and youth with special health care needs: the role of families in the delivery of care, consumer perspectives on what constitutes quality for children and youth with special health care needs, and health care and health care financing literacy, decision-making, and costs. The undervalued contributions made by family members in the delivery and oversight of pediatric care and the importance of partnering with them to achieve the goals of the Triple Aim are stressed. The article closes with a discussion of recommendations for a future policy and research agenda related to advancing the integration of the consumer perspective into value-based purchasing and value-based insurance design.
This article was part of a May 2017 supplement in Pediatrics, produced by the Catalyst Center and the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP). The Catalyst Center staff along with colleagues from the AAP presented a webinar with key highlights from each of the Pediatrics supplement papers.