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147 Results Found

Primary/Specialty Coordination in Complex Care

Authors Rhonda Cady, PhD, RN

Date 2021

Project CoIIN to Advance Care for Children with Medical Complexity

Keywords Medical Home, Minnesota

This slide presentation describes characteristics and standards for care coordination, care coordination models, and Minnesota’s approach to care coordination.


Example All About Me Document

Authors Team Minnesota

Date 2019

Project CoIIN to Advance Care for Children with Medical Complexity

Keywords Minnesota, Shared Plan of Care

This document shows a fictional example of an All About Me sheet, including the child’s likes, dislikes, hopes and dreams, strengths, and goals.


Post-Op Visit Data Collection Tool

Authors Team Massachusetts

Date 2020

Project CoIIN to Advance Care for Children with Medical Complexity

Keywords Family Partnership at the Clinical Setting, Massachusetts

This document was created by Team Massachusetts to ask parents for feedback on the Get to Know Me form, the Pain Scale form, and the Surgical Shared Plan of Care. The document also includes sheets for recording themes in parent responses throughout the week.


Tips for a Successful Telehealth Visit

Authors Family Voices of Alabama, Family-to-Family Health Information Center

Date 2020

Project CoIIN to Advance Care for Children with Medical Complexity

Keywords Alabama, Family Partnership at the Clinical Setting

This tip sheet provides advice to families and caregivers for preparing for a telehealth visit with their child.
