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239 Results Found

The Massachusetts Child Psychiatry Access Project: Combining Innovation and Collaboration to Enhance Children’s Mental Health Services in the Primary Care Setting

Authors Comeau, M.

Date 2011

Project Catalyst Center

Keywords Behavioral health, CYSHCN, Financing

In this February issue of the Catalyst Center e-newsletter, we highlighted the Massachusetts Child Psychiatry Access Project, or MCPAP, as a best practice in increasing access to mental health services for the children who need them. Initiated in Massachusetts in 2004, the MCPAP model has since been implemented in nine other states and is in the planning phase in three more. It is recognized by families and practitioners alike as a best practice in increasing access and quality of mental health care services for children.

The Affordable Care Act and Children with Special Health Care Needs: An Analysis and Steps for State Policymakers

Authors Farrell, K., Hess, C., Justice, D., Tobias, C., Comeau, M. , Bachman, S. , Epstein, S., & other authors

Date 2011

Project Catalyst Center

Keywords CYSHCN, Health Reform

The Affordable Care Act (ACA) provides states with important tools to help children and youth with special health care needs (CSHCN) and their families access coverage that is universal and continuous, adequate and affordable. This paper developed by the National Academy for State Health Policy (NASHP) for the Catalyst Center reviews and analyzes key provisions of the ACA relevant for CYSHCN to help inform state policymakers’ decisions in implementing health care reform.

As a companion activity to the release of this publication, NASHP and the Catalyst Center hosted a joint webcast in January 2011. Policy experts from the NASHP and Catalyst Center teams presented highlights from their analysis. A panel of state and federal officials shared their perspectives on the report.

Dancing with Data: Using data to support your message

Authors Comeau, M. , & other authors

Date 2010

Project Catalyst Center

Keywords CYSHCN, Research and Evaluation Methods

Combining sound statistical data with compelling narratives from the personal perspective of those experiencing a problem or who are impacted by a policy decision can also help inspire new champions in the work to improve coverage and financing of care for CYSHCN. This page will discuss the benefits of using statistical data and family stories in efforts made on behalf of CYSHCN, as well as provide some tips for using these tools in effective ways.

Health Care Reform and the Massachusetts CommonHealth Program: An Important Foundation to Build on for Children with Disabilities

Authors Comeau, M. , & other authors

Date 2009

Project Catalyst Center

Keywords CYSHCN, Financial Hardship, Medicaid Buy-In Programs, Medicaid/CHIP

This Catalyst Center policy brief describes the impact of the CommonHealth program and its relevance to the Massachusetts health care reform experience.

Building the capacity of HIV peer educators to be part of the health care team

Authors Rajabiun, S.

Date 2008

Project PEER Center

Keywords HIV/AIDS, Supportive Services

The PEER Center team presented this seminar at the US conference on AIDS, Sept. 18 – 21, 2008 in Miami Beach, FL. In this 3-hour seminar, trainers, including a former peer advocate, demonstrated how to build peer skills on adherence to HIV treatment, peer counseling, and navigating the health care system. Peer trainees discussed their experience and impact of participation in the session. Training developers reflected on the successes and challenges encountered in their training programs and their strategies for sustaining the program in their areas. The panel concluded with a presentation of methodology and results from a multisite evaluation exploring the impact of the peer training on participant’s knowledge and skills.

Case Study: Buying into a Medicaid Buy-in Program: The Texas Experience

Authors Catalyst Center Team

Date 2009

Project Catalyst Center

Keywords CYSHCN, Financial Hardship, Medicaid Buy-In Programs

Family advocacy efforts coupled with legislative support resulted in the creation and implementation of a Medicaid Buy-in program for families raising children with disabilities in Texas. 

The Essential Components of Health Care Reform for Children with Special Health Care Needs (CSHCN)

Authors Comeau, M. , & other authors

Date 2009

Project Catalyst Center

Keywords CYSHCN, Health Reform

As the possibility of national health care reform became a reality, the Catalyst Center identified three things children with special health care needs would need: Coverage that is universal and continuous, adequate, and affordable. 

If you build it, will they come? And if they come, will they stay? Lessons learned in engaging and retaining people living with HIV/AIDS in oral health care

Authors Tobias, C., Abel, S., Martinez, T. S., Bednarsh, H.

Date 2009

Project ECHO

Keywords HIV/AIDS, Oral Health Care