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239 Results Found

Estimating the Cost per Child Under the Family Opportunity Act’s Medicaid Buy-in Option: An Update

Authors Comeau, M. , & other authors

Date 2009

Project Catalyst Center

Keywords CYSHCN, Medicaid Buy-In Programs

Previous Catalyst Center calculations of costs per child for children with disabilities eligible for Medicaid coverage under the Family Opportunity Act were derived from Congressional Budget Office (CBO) estimates. In this revised estimate, we use information from the Medicaid Statistical Information System (MSIS) State Summary Datamart. 

Breaking the Link Between Special Health Care Needs and Financial Hardship

Authors Second edition (2017), Dworetzky, B., Wilson, K., Koppelman, E., Comeau, M. , Charmchi, P., Ablavsky, E., Epstein, S., Bachman, S. , First edition (2009):, Comeau, M. , Tobias, C., Bachman, S. , Jantz, K., Epstein, S., Allen, D., Hess, C.

Date 2017

Project Catalyst Center

Keywords CYSHCN, Financial Hardship, Financing

Having health insurance doesn’t automatically protect families of children and youth with special health care needs (CYSHCN) from financial hardship. In the first edition of Breaking the Link, produced in 2009, the Catalyst Center identified three pathways that lead to financial hardship and medical debt, with examples from the lives of real families. In the second edition, produced in 2017, we revisit the impact that health care financing and coverage gaps have on the lives of real families and highlight innovative policy solutions that can improve the system of care for CYSHCN.

Slides from the accompanying webinar that took place on April 26, 2017 are also available.

Increasing Access to Oral Health Care for People Living with HIV/AIDS: The role of dental case managers, patient navigators and outreach workers

Authors Tobias, C., Martinez, T., Bednarsh, H., Fox, J.

Date 2008

Project ECHO

Keywords HIV/AIDS, Oral Health Care

Roles of dental case managers and other oral health staff in recruiting, engaging, and retaining patients in oral and other HIV/AIDS care through scheduling, transportation support, building relationships, and other techniques.

Designing Evaluation Studies of Care Coordination Outcomes for Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs

Authors Comeau, M. , & other authors

Date 2008

Project Catalyst Center

Keywords CYSHCN, Health Benefits

Nationwide, there is growing interest in the use of care coordination as an integral component of comprehensive, quality care provided within the medical home model for children and youth with special health care needs (CYSHCN). A broad range of stakeholders – family members, advocates, state Title V Children with Special Health Care Needs program staff, health insurers, and providers – have expressed a need to the Catalyst Center to be able to evaluate the benefits of investing in care coordination. The purpose of this policy brief is to help provide some guidance in thinking through the requirements for doing so.

Mandated Benefits: Essential to Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs

Authors Comeau, M. , & other authors

Date 2008

Project Catalyst Center

Keywords CYSHCN, Financial Hardship, Health Benefits

Mandated benefits are health care benefits or services that, with some important exceptions) private health insurers must cover. Every state mandates at least some health benefits, depending on emerging issues in that state.

Making the Connection: Promoting Engagement and Retention in HIV Medical Care Among Hard-to-Reach Populations

Authors Rajabiun, S. , Tobias, C., Rehbolz, C.

Date 2008

Project CORE

Keywords HIV/AIDS, Medical Home, Supportive Services

Produced by the HRSA/SPNS Outreach Initiative, this resource provides techniques, case studies, and multiple outreach/intake/monitoring tools on engaging and retaining hard-to-reach PLWHA in care.

Relief Funds: A Safety Net for Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs

Authors Comeau, M. , & other authors

Date 2007

Project Catalyst Center

Keywords CYSHCN, Financial Hardship

Relief Funds pay for services families incur for their children and youth with special health care needs/disabilities that are not covered by private insurance, Medicaid, or any other public or private programs. Relief Funds function as a payer of last resort for families who struggle financially to meet the health care needs of their children and can help relief family financial hardship.


Frequently Asked Questions about the Family Opportunity Act’s Medicaid Buy-In Option

Authors Comeau, M. , & other authors

Date 2007

Project Catalyst Center

Keywords CYSHCN, Financial Hardship, Medicaid/CHIP

This Catalyst Center policy brief provides answers to frequently asked questions about the Family Opportunity Act (FOA) Medicaid Buy-in option, including what the advantages are for families raising children with disabilities and states, how it affects existing pathways to Medicaid, and any costs for families.