The Future of Care for CMC Virtual Café #6: Sustainability and Strategic Partnerships

Photo courtesy of Jaren Wicklund/

Wednesday, December 4, 2024
4:00 – 5:00 PM ET


The final of six virtual cafés will be led by discussants Rahel Berhane, MD, Jeff Schiff, MD, MBA and Rich Antonelli, MD, MS. Dr. Berhane will first share a real-world example of moving from consultation to true family partnership in co-designing sustainable systems centered on humanism.  Dr. Schiff will offer a strategic yet practical perspective of the necessary elements for advancing sustainable care, embracing a pragmatic philosophy of radical incrementalism inclusive of building trust with Medicaid.  Dr. Antonelli will elevate existing leverage points for sustainable change.  Through facilitated discussions with the full group, participants will explore together strategies they can employ to make progress towards meaningful sustainability and strategic partnerships for humanistic care. This series is funded by the Lucile Packard Foundation for Children’s Health.

View the Recording

View the presentation slides here.

Synthesis Materials: 

Discussion Materials and Resources: 


Rahel Berhane, MD

Rahel Berhane, MD, is a board-certified pediatrician with Dell Children’s in Austin, Texas and provides care for infants, children, and teens with medical complexity at a medical health home called Dell Children’s Comprehensive Care Clinic. Dr. Berhane serves as the Medical Director of the Children’s Comprehensive Care Clinic and is a strong advocate for children with medical complexities.  She is a member of the family faculty for the CMC Café series, including co-facilitation of multiple café breakouts. Over the last ten years, Dr. Berhane has spent time working with innovative people to design and implement a patient and family centered comprehensive clinic for families of children with medical complexity. She is interested in transforming the care environment for these families and children and serves on the Health and Human Services Commission Advisory Committee for the STAR Kids program in addition to chairing the subcommittee on health homes.


Richard C. Antonelli, MD, MS, FAAP

Richard has extensive experience working at the national level and in many states evaluating care delivery and informing improvement efforts, focusing on implementation of interprofessional, family-centered care coordination and care integration processes and performance measures to assure equitable, accessible, and sustainable outcomes for all. He previously served as co-principal investigator for the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) and Maternal and Child Health Bureau’s (MCHB) Enhancing Systems of Care for Children with Medical Complexity Coordinating Center. Richard also served as the medical director of the HRSA/MCHB funded National Center for Care Coordination Technical Assistance, in partnership with the American Academy of Pediatrics.


Jeffrey S. Schiff, MD, MBA, FAAP
Senior Scholar, AcademyHealth

Jeffrey S. Schiff is a senior scholar at AcademyHealth, a pediatrician, and a health services policy consultant focusing on improving the outcomes for those with limited resources. His work includes the use of policy and the implementation of quality improvement to interface with payment mechanisms to fundamentally change health care systems. He served as the chief medical officer for the Minnesota Department of Human Services (including the state’s Medicaid program) from 2006 to 2019. In this role, Schiff worked to implement care programs to directly address disparities, to advance coordinated and integrated care for individuals with chronic and complex needs, and to advance value-driven payment models. He is past chair of Medicaid Medical Directors national network, past co-chair of the Child Core Set Annual Review Committee, and current co-chair of the Health Home Core Set Annual Review Committee.