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239 Results Found

Congressional Briefing: Pathways to Medicaid Coverage for Children with Special Health Care Needs

Authors Comeau, Meg

Date 2017

Project Catalyst Center

Keywords CYSHCN, Financing, Medicaid/CHIP

In March of 2017, Catalyst Center staff gave an in-person presentation to Congressional staffers on “Pathways to Medicaid Coverage for Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs”. This presentation included an overview of the Catalyst Center, data on publicly funded coverage and financing of care for Children with Special Health Care Needs (CYSHCN), the importance of Medicaid coverage for CYSCHN with regard to adequacy, affordability and access to care, pathways to coverage based on 1) income alone, 2) income and health status, 3) severe disability and 4) involvement with the child welfare system (foster care). Finally, a variety of Catalyst Center technical assistance resources on Medicaid and CHIP were highlighted.

Webinar: The Role of Title V Programs and Value-Based Purchasing for Children and Youth With Special Health Care Needs

Authors Comeau, M. , Collins, S., Martin, A., Munthali, J., Terranova, L.

Date 2017

Project Catalyst Center

Keywords CYSHCN, Financing

On December 6, 2017, the Catalyst Center and the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) co-hosted a webinar on state-based innovations that support value-based purchasing (VBP) for children and youth with special health care needs (CYSHCN). Presentations from the Association of Maternal and Child Health Programs (AMCHP), and the state Title V programs in Oregon and Colorado helped to define the role of Title V programs in relation to value-based purchasing arrangements, discussed specific program examples and shared lessons learned. A YouTube video of the webinar, as well as the slides, are available below.

For further learning about VBP we have links to related reading material from the Catalyst Center: 

Webinar: Community Health Workers (CHWs) in HIV Services: Insights from Virginia

Authors Baughman, A. , Recupero, L., Carr, S.

Date 2017

Project Improving Access to HIV Care Using CHWs

Keywords HIV/AIDS

Community Health Workers have the potential to improve outcomes on the HIV care continuum, but what does that look like in a Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program (RWHAP) funded agency? What is their scope of work and how can they be funded? During this interactive webinar course, the second in a series and presented on Nov. 16, 2017, Leonard Recupero and Susan Carr from the Virginia Department of Health, HIV Services Unit, shared their experiences integrating CHWs into these RWHAP services; working with CHWs to enhance HIV prevention and care services; and improve outcomes along the HIV care continuum. The webinar discussed funding, program planning, and the scope of work for CHWs in HIV care.
View the video and webinar slides below.

APHA Roundtable: Applying Implementation Science to a Multi-intervention, Multisite Study Linking and Retaining HIV-Positive Patients in Care

Authors Fox, J.

Date 2017

Project Dissemination and Evaluation Center

Keywords HIV/AIDS

Presented at the American Public Health Association (APHA) 2017 annual meeting, this roundtable discussion centered on experiences using an implementation science approach to implement four adapted interventions based on previously funded HRSA Special Projects of National Significance (SPNS) interventions related to improving health outcomes along the HIV care continuum. The interventions are being evaluated by the Dissemination and Evaluation Center. Handouts linked below included a study design overview, overviews of the intervention structure including enrollment numbers, and data collection tools mapped to the Proctor Model that the study design draws on.

APHA Roundtable: Integrating Buprenorphine Treatment for Opioid Use Disorder in HIV Primary Care

Authors Marbach, A.

Date 2017

Project Dissemination and Evaluation Center

Keywords HIV/AIDS

Presented at the American Public Health Association (APHA) 2017 annual meeting, this roundtable discussion introduced an intervention that seeks to provide individual-level treatment to individuals with HIV who inject drugs and to create systems-level change to improve outcomes for this population. This intervention is currently being implemented at three clinics: University of Kentucky Bluegrass Cares Clinic, Lexington, KY; Centro Ararat, Ponce, Puerto Rico; and MetroHealth, Cleveland, OH. It is one of four interventions related to improving health outcomes along the HIV care continuum that are being evaluated by the Dissemination and Evaluation Center. Below are links to handouts that were distributed at the roundtable.

APHA Presentation: Transitional Care Coordination: Providing a Supportive Link Between Jail and Community HIV Care

Authors Fox, J., Barker, K. , Betteridge, C., Farel, C.

Date 2017

Project Dissemination and Evaluation Center

Keywords HIV/AIDS

Presented at the American Public Health Association (APHA) 2017 annual meeting, this presentation introduces an adapted model and implementation results to date of the ongoing implementation and evaluation of an intervention to facilitate linkage of people living with HIV to community-based care and treatment services after incarceration. The intervention is one of four interventions related to improving health outcomes along the HIV care continuum that are being evaluated by the Dissemination and Evaluation Center.

APHA Presentation: Dissemination of Evidence-Informed Interventions: Peer Linkage and Re-Engagement in HIV Care

Authors Fox, J., Ferguson, A., Weck, L., Berthaud, V., Marbach, A.

Date 2017

Project Dissemination and Evaluation Center

Keywords HIV/AIDS

Presented at the American Public Health Association (APHA) 2017 annual meeting, this presentation outlines implementation results and lessons learned to date of a peer-based intervention currently being implemented at three clinics: Meharry Medical College, AIDS Care Group, and Howard Brown Health. It introduces standardized intervention materials to provide guidance in implementing a program linking women of color who are newly diagnosed with HIV to care. The intervention is one of four interventions related to improving health outcomes along the HIV care continuum that are being evaluated by the Dissemination and Evaluation Center.

APHA Presentation: Using Community Health Workers to Improve Linkage and Retention in HIV Care

Authors Baughman, A.

Date 2017

Project Improving Access to HIV Care Using CHWs

Keywords HIV/AIDS

Presented at American Public Health Association (APHA) annual meeting in November 2017, this presentation describes the project to train and integrate Community Health Workers (CHWs) into primary HIV care. It describes how the project relates to the C3 Project and the federal HIV continuum of care and identifies ways that CHWs have been integrated into the project.

Finding Home: Tips and tools for guiding people living with HIV toward stable housing

Authors de Groot, Alexander, Ablavsky, Edi, Apt, James

Date 2017

Project Med-HEART

Keywords HIV/AIDS, Homelessness

This toolkit is designed to provide resources to organizations to increase access to stable and permanent housing for people who are homeless or unstably housed, living with HIV, and who may have persistent mental illness and/or substance use disorders. It is primarily intended for Ryan White providers, medical case managers, peers/community health workers, and other “front-line staff” who provide direct services to individuals living with HIV who are experiencing homelessness.

HRSA Meeting Presentation Slides for the SPNS initiative Building a Medical Home for Multiply Diagnosed HIV-Positive Homeless Populations

Authors Multiple authors

Date 2017

Project Med-HEART

Keywords HIV/AIDS, Homelessness, Medical Home

On June 27, 2017, the grant recipients of the Special Projects of National Significance (SPNS) funded initiative Building a Medical Home for Multiply Diagnosed HIV-Positive Homeless Populations convened a day-long meeting to present results to staff from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), Health Resources & Services Administration (HRSA), and Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA). They presented the strategies that collectively led to more than 1,300 people nationwide being served over the five-year initiative.