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239 Results Found

Infographic: Care Coordination For Children And Youth With Special Health Care Needs

Authors Bachman, S. , Comeau, M. , Kantner, J.

Date 2018

Project Catalyst Center

Keywords CYSHCN, Financing

The Catalyst Center has created a one-page infographic illustrating important elements of care coordination for children and youth with special health care needs (CYSHCN). This is one page in a series of infographics exploring key focus areas in the world of health care financing and coverage for CYSHCN.

These one-pagers are a visually appealing and easy way to share information about the system of care for CYSHCN with stakeholders. Resources for further exploration of care coordination are listed at the bottom of the infographic.

Thanks to our State Title V colleagues Sandra Broughton, Elizabeth Collins, Elaine Gabovitch, Alison Martin, Shirley Payne, and Meredith Pyle, for providing valuable feedback and reviewing this project.

Infographic: Inequities In Coverage And Financing Of Care For Children With Special Health Care Needs

Authors Bachman, S , Comeau, M. , Kantner, J.

Date 2018

Project Catalyst Center

Keywords CYSHCN, Financing, Health Equity

The Catalyst Center has created a one-page infographic illustrating important information about inequities in coverage and financing of care for children and youth with special health care needs (CYSHCN). This is one page in a series of infographics exploring key focus areas in the world of health care financing and coverage for CYSHCN.

These one-pagers are a visually appealing and easy way to share information about the system of care for CYSHCN with stakeholders. Resources for further exploration of inequities in coverage and financing of care for CYSHCN are listed at the bottom of the infographic.

Infographic: Medicaid And Children And Youth With Special Health Care Needs

Authors Bachman, S. , Comeau, M. , Kantner, J.

Date 2018

Project Catalyst Center

Keywords CYSHCN, Financial Hardship, Medicaid/CHIP

The Catalyst Center has created a one-page infographic illustrating important elements of Medicaid for children and youth with special health care needs (CYSHCN). This is one page in a series of infographics exploring key focus areas in the world of health care financing and coverage for CYSHCN.

These one-pagers are a visually appealing and easy way to share information about the system of care for CYSHCN with stakeholders. Resources for further exploration of Medicaid and CYSHCN are listed at the bottom of the infographic.

Infographic: Financial Hardship In Families Raising Children And Youth With Special Health Care Needs

Authors Bachman, S. , Comeau, M. , Kantner, J.

Date 2018

Project Catalyst Center

Keywords CYSHCN, Financing

The Catalyst Center has created a one-page infographic illustrating important elements of financial hardship in families raising children and youth with special health care needs (CYSHCN). This is one page in a series of infographics exploring key focus areas in the world of health care financing and coverage for CYSHCN.

These one-pagers are a visually appealing and easy way to share information about the system of care for CYSHCN with stakeholders. Resources for further exploration of family financial hardship are listed at the bottom of the infographic.

Special supplement to the American Journal of Public Health

Authors Multiple authors

Date 2017

Project Protected: Learning Communities

Keywords Health Equity

Published in Dec. 2017, this supplement to the AJPH explores new perspectives and research on the role of social work in public health. Articles in this supplement tackle questions about the role of social workers in advancing health equity and population health policies, how public health is conceptualized in social work education and training and the history of social work in public health, among other topics. View news announcement.

Event: Preventing the School-to-Prison Pipeline

Authors Multiple event planners and speakers

Date 2018

Project BU-ALPS

Keywords Behavioral health, Health Equity

The school-to-prison pipeline refers to a trend in which punitive school disciplinary policies and practices increase the likelihood that children will become involved with the criminal justice system. This event, which took place on April 12, 2018, featured an innovative, interprofessional partnership between lawyers from Massachusetts Advocates for Children and Children’s Behavioral Health Initiative (CBHI) team members from Dimock Community Service Agency/Justice Resource Institute. The panelists highlighted systems-level approaches to combat the school-to-prison pipeline, including a discussion of current MA laws related to school discipline, safe and supportive schools, and pending legislation related to the use of student arrests in schools.

Event: Intersectionality and Health Conference: Breaking Down Barriers to Quality Care

Authors Multiple event planners and speakers

Date 2018

Project BU-ALPS

Keywords Health Equity

This student-led conference took place on April 21, 2018. It provided training for students and those working in health-oriented professions, including social work, public health, medicine, community health work, nursing, and dentistry to provide better care and eliminate health inequities. The day-long event focused on the challenges people with multiple marginalized, intersecting identities face at the individual and systems level when accessing medical, mental health, and social services.


The Louisiana Family Opportunity Act Medicaid Buy-in Program

Authors Bachman, S. , Comeau, M. , Dworetzky, B., Hamershock, R., Hirschi, M.

Date 2015

Project Catalyst Center

Keywords CYSHCN, Health Benefits, Maternal and Child Health, Medicaid Buy-In Programs, Medicaid/CHIP

This article, published in the December 2015 issue of the Maternal and Child Health Journal, describes the process and results of a survey of parents and caregivers whose children with disabilities were enrolled in Louisiana Family Opportunity Act (FOA) Medicaid Buy-in program. Results suggest that the Louisiana FOA program fills a niche in coverage needs among families of children with disabilities in Louisiana; however, small sample size and significant differences between the sample enrolled in the FOA and the comparison groups limits how generalizable the results are.

Access to Care among Children with Disabilities in the MassHealth CommonHealth Buy-In Program

Authors Hirschi, M., Walter, A.W., Wilson, K., Jankovsky, K. , Dworetzky, B., Comeau, M. , Bachman, S.

Date 2018

Project Catalyst Center

Keywords CYSHCN, Health Benefits, Maternal and Child Health, Medicaid Buy-In Programs, Medicaid/CHIP

This article, published in the Journal of Child Health Care, describes the process and results of a survey of parents and caregivers whose children with disabilities were enrolled in CommonHealth, the state’s Medicaid Buy-in program. Results suggest that the MassHealth CommonHealth program improves access to care for children with disabilities overall; however, the article identifies barriers to address in five domains to improve accessibility.

AMCHP Conference Workshop: Addressing Health Care Coverage Inequities Among Children with Special Health Care Needs

Authors Bachman, S. , Manning, L., Wilson, K., Kantner, J. , Comeau, M.

Date 2018

Project Catalyst Center

Keywords CYSHCN, Financial Hardship, Health Equity

On February 13th at the 2018 Association of Maternal & Child Health Programs (AMCHP) conference the Catalyst Center presented the results of four focus groups that were conducted with parents of children and youth with special health care needs (CYSHCN) who are from the Somali community in Boston, focusing on accessing health care for their CYSHCN.

In the context of the focus group results, we also provided results of interviews conducted with representatives of state Offices of Minority Health. We presented information on innovative strategies states are using to mitigate inequities and discussed how these strategies could address the barriers the families identified. The session was recorded, and the video will also be available here in the coming months.