
MA Journey Map Illustration

Team Massachusetts’s journey map illustrated by ConverSketch

Lead Organization

Massachusetts Department of Public Health Division for Children & Youth with Special Health Needs (Title V) and Boston Children’s Hospital

Family/Youth Engagement Partners


Clinical Site

Boston Children’s Hospital Complex Care Service

Project Aims

To improve the process of shared surgical decision-making and peri-operative preparation and care coordination for children with medical complexity and their families.

Project Description

The Massachusetts CoIIN state team aims to improve the surgical experience of children with medical complexity undergoing surgery at Boston Children’s Hospital by enhancing communication between providers and families, identifying pre-surgical needs of children, and empowering families to engage with their medical teams. These goals are being accomplished through creating and implementing a surgical plan of care, engaging families in a coordinated medical home system, and utilizing a “Get To Know Me Form” that families fill out to inform care teams about the individual needs of their child. To date, Massachusetts has worked in conjunction with families to develop and implement this surgical program, titled ENGAGE, which includes the use of care coordination, parent-created forms, and a shared plan of care to support children undergoing orthopedic surgeries.

Focus Area(s)

  • Family engagement
  • Improved access to home care services
  • Alternative payment methods